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SONNY BUNCH: ‘The Bob’s Burgers Movie’ Review.
Every once in a while, I like to pop into a film that’s part of a long-running series with which I have no familiarity whatsoever to see how it plays not as the continuation of said series but as a standalone project. This often ends with me shrugging my shoulders and thinking “Yeah, that probably made more sense if you understood, you know, what the property was about.” See, for instance, the Downton Abbey movie. (The first one. I’ve not bothered with the second, for reasons of having seen the first one and left with that shoulder shrug.)
The Bob’s Burgers Movie is one such Bunch-ignorant property: Despite the fact that the show has been on Fox for more than a decade now and has done well on reruns on both TBS and Adult Swim, and despite the fact that the titular Bob is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin, who is, without a doubt, my favorite voice actor, I’ve never watched a single episode. Heck, I’ve never watched so much as a clip. My knowledge of Bob and his burgers is limited entirely to what I’ve gathered via osmosis online.
Gun legislation shouldn’t be hard — everyone knows how stupid it is that an 18-year-old can’t buy a White Claw, but can get an AR-15. Plus, MAGA media shamelessness, a turning point in Putin’s war, and Democrats: Do something about inflation. Tim Miller’s back with Charlie Sykes.
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BILL LUEDERS: My Friend, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump writes to me often, usually several times a day. The president, as he calls himself—none of that “former” business—wants me to know how much he values me as a “trusted ally.” He is forever offering me exciting opportunities, like the chance for my name to be “permanently engraved” on the “Official 2022 Trump Donor Wall” in his office. All I need to do for this to happen is contribute $45 by midnight.
“Space is extremely limited,” the president warned. “This could be your only chance.”
President Trump is always looking out for me that way. He has told me countless times that I must act quickly because time is running out. He’s been saying that about the Donor Wall since he first brought it up, weeks ago. Since then, he’s given me a generous number of only chances.
That was fast…

This is not going to end well… Former Trump official Peter Navarro is representing himself in court.

But wait, there’s more.
That’s it for me. Tech support questions? Email Questions for me? Respond to this message.
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