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SONNY BUNCH: ‘Dune: Part Two’ Review
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BRENT ORRELL: Study What You Love or Study What Will Make You Money?
WHEN IT COMES TO EDUCATION, adolescents and young adults face a dilemma: to follow their intrinsic interests or to choose a course of study they think (or have been told) will secure their economic futures. For most, to ask this question is to answer it. Forget your passions and focus on the jobs. A recent survey from Dreambound, a company that provides rapid job training to unemployed people, finds that economics über alles may not be paying off.
Bulwark Podcast with Tim Miller: Rob Reiner and Dan Partland: God & Country [Ad-Free🔐]
Secret Podcast: Together. Again. 🔐
George Conway Explains it All (to Sarah Longwell): George Conway Explains Why The House GOP are Lowlifes [Ad-Free🔐]
Beg to Differ: Putin's GOP Enablers [Ad-Free🔐]
ATMA 🎧: The Disastrous ‘Madame Web’🔐
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PHILIP A. WALLACH: For Fraud and Country.
WILLIE SUTTON ROBBED BANKS BECAUSE “that’s where the money is.” George Anthony Devolder Santos came to politics for much the same reason. He found plenty of marks and swindled gleefully. Along the way, almost by accident, he accomplished the most important thing a politician can accomplish: He won a competitive election. So ended his idyll. He was on his way to infamy and a jail sentence before he ever took office.
To be fair to Santos, his ambitions went beyond money, and so political office offered him more than a bank (or a mere crypto scam) could.

Happy Friday! Can’t wait to see some of you tonight at the opening happy hour for Principles First. I’ll be there tomorrow, too. Say hi!
Back to the moon. America’s back, baby!
We have another balloon! This time over Colorado (CBS).
How No Labels’ Spoiler Bid… Suddenly Entered Full Meltdown Mode (TNR)
You can’t make this up… A New Orleans magician claims that a Democratic operative paid him to do AI Biden robocall (NBC).
Smirnov re-arrested… The judge worries about him bolting.
In Soviet Russia… They apparently keep shooting down their own planes behind the frontline, including important AEW&C planes.
In local news… WAMU shuts down DCist, which is a real shame. And a WATCH HEIST(!) at the local jewelry store near BulwarkHQ. Sources with sources at The Tiny Jewel Box confirm, thankfully, that everyone is ok.
Vice’s New Owners… Prepare to Slash What’s Left of Its Work Force (NYT).
Rich people doing rich people things… Bill Ackman and his attorneys sent a bizarre 77 page retraction letter to Business Insider.
The Americans Who Need Chaos… They’re embracing nihilism and upending politics by Derek Thompson at The Atlantic.
The return… Of Tommy Tumbleville.
Jezebel’s new owner has a request for advertisers… Please stop hurting journalism (CheckMyAds).
The “Angel of Death”… is retiring from the USAF (Task and Purpose).
Nuking the nuclear family? A weird CPAC booth.
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