Let’s Just Say It: Biden Has Done a Great Job with Israel
We’re watching one of the best foreign policy responses by a U.S. president in a generation. We ought to recognize it.
Breaking Speakership News: Jim Jordan is dropping his bid (for now) and endorsing the idea of Patrick McHenry as interim speaker until January. This is a large deal with lots of downstream consequences.
I’ll be unpacking all of it tonight, on the TNB livestream, with Hill experts Joe Perticone and A.B. Stoddard.
Come and hang out with us at 8 p.m. in the East, only for Bulwark+ members. Details here.

1. It Doesn’t Get Better
We should just say it out loud: President Biden’s reaction to the 10/7 attack has been one of the best pieces of foreign policy crisis management by an American president in a generation.
In one week Biden has:
Given Israel moral, rhetorical, and concrete support.
Rallied Europe to Israel’s cause.
Pulled the main body of the Democratic party even further away from its radical, anti-Israel fringe.
And pushed Israel to be more attentive to humanitarian concerns in its campaign against Hamas.
Here’s how he did it: