Member-only Podcasts
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Just Between Us
+ Member-only
Mona Charen is joined by her Bulwark colleagues to unburden themselves on this members-only podcast. Join them Tuesdays.
Only for Bulwark+ members.
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The Secret Podcast
+ Member-only
Each Friday best friends, Sarah Longwell and JVL, go off-leash and uncensored in this intimate podcast.
Only for Bulwark+ members.
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Bulwark+ Takes
+ Member-only
Bulwark+ Takes brings you bite-sized takes on the news of the day from the entire Bulwark team. This is the home to ad-free video shorts, Bulwark+ member-only livestreams, and live event archives. The news cycle doesn’t slow down, and neither do we.
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The Bulwark Podcasts

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Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump movement and the reality-based community. Every weekday we provide insightful analysis, political hot-takes, an unabashed defense of liberal democracy and long-form interviews that cut through the "both-sides" BS. Plus a few laughs to help you wash down the crazy.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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Sarah Longwell (not a lawyer) needs George Conway (super-lawyer) to explain the ins and outs of Trump’s legal cases. With every update, argument, ruling, and procedural twist and turn, listen to George explain what it means and why it matters.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller, and Jonathan V. Last bring their signature political insight and banter to the masses in The Next Level podcast. Tune in to hear them discuss the news of the week, breakdown campaigns and elections, and wade into pop culture feuds.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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Sarah Longwell has conducted hundreds of hours of focus groups all across the country. She and a series of guests take you behind the glass to hear real focus group participants. Unfiltered, uncompromising, unexpected—The Focus Group is a look into what the average voter thinks about politics, policy, and current events.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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Politicians, pundits, and the media spend a lot of time talking about the problems our country faces but not enough time on how to solve them. Each week, John Avlon and his guests hash out sensible and attainable solutions for some of the most vexing issues confronting our democracy—solutions that will likely emerge from the political center.
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The Michael Steele Podcast is hosted by former RNC Chairman and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Each week, Michael moderates a barbershop style discussion about the key political and cultural issues of the day. Michael brings his experience as an MSNBC political analyst and from a lifetime in politics to a podcast which transcends traditional political boundaries in order to dig deep and find real solutions.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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The Mona Charen Show is a weekly, one-on-one discussion that goes in depth on political and cultural topics.
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Sonny Bunch on movies, technology, and understanding the next Hollywood
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Here's the elevator pitch: It's "Left, Right, and Center" meets "Siskel and Ebert." Three friends from different ideological perspectives discuss the movies and controversies (or nontroversies!) about them.
Featuring bonus Friday episodes exclusively for Bulwark+ members.
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Shield of the Republic is a Bulwark podcast co-sponsored by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia. We probe beyond the hive mind of Washington conventional wisdom on national security and foreign affairs.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.
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Gen Z swung hard for Trump in 2024, and Tim Miller wants to know why. He’s teaming up with Cameron Kasky on the For You Pod to break down the politics of the TikTok generation—what’s driving their shift and what it will take to win them back. Tune in weekly for sharp insights into America’s youngest voters.
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