Lovely piece Mr. Kristol. I am an optimist by nature and am always buoyed by your thoughtful writing.

I left twitter a couple of months ago to conserve my sanity and my hours in the day, but I do miss reading your tweets.

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Great and inspiring essay Mr. Kristol.

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Outstanding. I am even seeing some “green shoots” in the remnants of our local Republican Party, with most extreme being pushed out and being replaced by what I hope are more reasonable people. Maybe, just maybe…..

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Hear, hear!! Suffice it to say that hope is a fine thing under any circumstances. One can hope to win the Lottery but the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you. The spineless politicos are still scheming and lying. Human nature remains distressingly predictable. Keep your head down and watch out for shrapnel.

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I love optimism - but the lie is still very strong, Murdoch is still permitted to control GOP and economic thought (Fox and WSJ), we lost Pelosi, the 1/6 commission did nothing to discipline there own and I don't think they agree it was an insurrection, Gaetz and Bannon walk the street, the Fox law suit is still delayed, Boebert wasn't disciplined for her 1/5 tours or 1/6 activities telling the rioters were Pelosi was, the corrupt SCOTUS hasn't been dealt with, Ginni and the fake electors have not been disciplined, Trump still not charged, Russia still a member of NATO.

Corruption actually took a step forward since good people are doing nothing

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Russia is not a member of NATO. It never was.

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Thank you, Bill Kristol. I'd forgotten how many fronts we advanced on this year, and how much reason for optimism we can have headed into 2023. Much work remains, around the world, and it's gratifying to see evidence that steady progress works.

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Heartfelt thanks for this eloquent meditation on the past year and the work ahead as the next presidential election approaches. We must not let it be our last. The valiant people of Ukraine have shown us how determination, perseverance, and unity in the face of seemingly hopeless odds bring incremental victories that sustain morale and the will to fight. The Ukrainians can and will prevail, and so can defenders of democracy here and across the world. Happy new year!

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I only hope that 2023 does not see the rise of more power and popularity of our Governor here in FL. I am a FL native, 67 years old, and I have never been more fearful of a politician here in this state. I only wish that 2023 brings about a change in support of this dangerous man.

Other than that Happy New Year all!

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I am still stunned that half of mankind is drawn to greed and racism. Trump has been so revealing.

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I think it's closer to one quarter or one third. But, yeah, that's stunning.

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I think about this almost every day. I spent around 60 years on this Earth without realizing there are tens of millions of people out there who actually WANT someone like Trump (or DeSantis or Abbot or Orban) as a dear leader.

Where were these people when I was growing up and leading my younger life in a decent, democratic USA? I suppose in some ways we should be glad that Trump has exposed them, so that we now know who and where they are. Seems little comfort.

I can't help wondering if this is what it felt like to live in Weimar Germany. This essay helped me to regain some hope. Thank you, Bill.

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Alan, you don't have to wonder. Read the novel *The Oppermanns* by Lion Feuchtwanger. It was written in 1933 about the events in Germany in in 1932-33; i.e., in real-time. The novel is available in a new English translation.

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Wow! That was truly awesome, both moving and inspiring. Thanks, Bill.

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"inflection point"

So if we import the definition of "inflection point" from calculus and apply it to a graph of say "The State of the World" on the y-axis and "Time" on the x-axis, saying we have reached an inflection point means merely that instead of things getting worse at an accelerating rate, things are getting worse at a decelerating rate. We have not reached peak bad. But we have slowed our approach to ruin. Baby steps.

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Thank goodness I read this piece, I really needed to hear it. My political journey from my first vote for Ronald Reagan to January 6th was a shocking because it happened so fast. I fear that this nascent return to normal will be so damaged by the Republican majority in the House. I don't believe Kevin McCarthy is up to the job and that really breaks my heart.

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If McCarthy had the balls to continue to believe what he said right after 1/6 and act on it, the Rs with souls could have chased Trump out. Now, the party is gone.

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Great piece! 🇺🇲🥹🫡✊

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Bill--what a thoughtful & optimistic recap of the year. We have much to be grateful for and hope is a wonderful salve after so much concern for where we are heading. Thank you again.

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In the Hill this morning I read an opinion piece by Grady Means that said 2023 is shaping up to be a very, very bad year. I guess he hopes he can scare everyone with his clear eyed wisdom. Not!

Thank you for this common sense view of how the country and the world really works.

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How things have changed, Mr. Kristol! 20 years ago I thought you a neo-con war monger. Today I consider you a thoughtful man, a beacon in the darkest places. I don’t always agree with you (or anyone, really) but I appreciate and honor your wisdom. Not only did Sarah, you, and Charlie change my opinion of Republicans, you’re also showing how excellent journalism and editorial opinion can drag itself out of the current media bloodbath. Idk if I changed that much, or if you changed that much, but it doesn’t matter. Here we are. Let’s hope there are many, many more of us than the crazies and buffoons. Cheers to ‘23.

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Hear hear! And let's all raise a glass to Liz Cheney this New Year's Eve.

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I concur with every sentence and sentiment! Amazing how I am still capable of change and rethinking stuff well into middle age. I am so grateful to Bill, JVL, Charlie, Sarah, and Tim (and all the others I don't see as often) for building this bulwark.

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