I'm getting to a point where i feel like an 80 year old man constantly confused about the world that has shifted around him.

None of the rules I thought mattered actually do. None of the juicy career ending scandals end careers. You're no longer expected to answer for hypocrisy or flip flopping so there's not even any art involved in avoiding accountability any more.

I find this endlessly confusing. My wife, who is a deep and committed cynic, doesn't understand my confusion. She rolls her eyes every time I ask, "How can this be?"

Can someone please explain to me how any of this can be?

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He never used the account.... because he was having sex with the intern? Interning at a Porsche dealership would be desirable for a young guy. Perhaps the intern was hoping to take a short trip with the "boss." Not a prank... perhaps a favor.

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So the fall guy said he set up the Friend Finder account "as a prank," and Moreno didn't know about it? Usually, when you prank someone, the objective is for them to actually know they were pranked. We're supposed to believe that this guy went through the trouble of using Moreno's email address to setup an account on a website for people seeking sex, and never bothered to drive home the punchline. And apparently was commuting 3 hours to an internship.

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Interested in global ideas that could hold significant investment potential, then check out Henry's Substack, here -- https://henrymiles.substack.com/p/two-threatening-predicaments-environmental?r=24tm2g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

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We WANT these MAGA types to win Republican primaries because it will help ensure that the GOP goes down in flames come November.

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Well Moreno had to meet Trump somehow … AdultFriendFinder was a good first effort.

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When you own car dealerships, they let you do it.

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As much as I expect hypocrisy from MAGA extremists this is exactly the type of practical joke I could see one of my friends pulling when we were young.

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usually as a rule of thumb for republicans ,its the more strident/pushback they preform against LGBTQ the more i have a sceptical eye for their own sexual preferences :(

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