Appeals Court Gives Trump the Gift of Smaller Bond, More Time
Plus: Just Who Are Trump’s January 6th Heroes?
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KIM WEHLE: Appeals Court Gives Trump the Gift of Smaller Bond, More Time.
DONALD TRUMP WAS HANDED a notable legal win on Monday, this time in the civil fraud case against him. A state appeals court halted New York Attorney General Letitia James’s ability to enforce the trial court’s $464 million judgment while Trump appeals—and deprived New York taxpayers of a bond covering the full judgment in the interim.
To translate what this means: The judgment against Trump last month included $355 million in penalties plus interest, now bringing the total to over $464 million. Under a New York statute, while he appeals, Trump is required to either pay up immediately or convince a bond company to promise to pay for him if he bails out for some reason, which would require paying a 20 percent premium to the bond company for that deal.
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BILL LUEDERS: Just Who Are Trump’s January 6th Heroes?
DURING A RECENT CAMPAIGN APPEARANCE in Ohio, Donald Trump paid tribute to an extraordinary group of Americans: the rioters who at his behest laid siege to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. He stood on the stage and saluted as the PA system played a rendition of the national anthem performed by the J6 Prison Choir, a group of people incarcerated for their actions that day. The recording is interspersed with clips of Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
“Well, thank you very much, and you see the spirit from the hostages—and that’s what they are, is hostages,” Trump told the gathering. “They’ve been treated terribly, and very unfairly.” He called them—not the 140 law enforcement officers who reportedly sustained injuries defending the Capitol on January 6th—“unbelievable patriots.” This was in the same March 16 talk in which Trump stated that, if he doesn’t win the election this fall, “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”
CATHY YOUNG: The Kremlin Fumbles a Terror Attack ... and Tries to Blame Ukraine.
AS NEWS OF THE TERROR ATTACK at the Crocus City Hall concert venue in suburban Moscow began to filter in on March 22, Russia’s tightly censored federal news channels were slow to react, presumably in the absence of official directives. Even when it was already known that there were scores of dead and wounded after several men set off explosives and fired automatic rifles at a crowd gathered for a sold-out concert, the TV-1 channel initially aired reports on the attack only in brief news updates between regularly scheduled programs such as a singing talent show. Even the rabid propagandist Anton Krasovsky complained, urging colleagues to “stop the fun and games.” But it took until the next day for the channel to announce a switch to special news programming.

It’s Tuesday… And the East coast woke up to a tragedy, the accidental striking and collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore. It’s an important part of their Beltway, and this shock will be felt for years. Here’s John “Buddy” Cefalu, who built the bridge, mourning its collapse (DailyBeast).
Still, that didn’t stop right wing nut jobs like Maria Bartiromo, Sebastian Gorka, and Anthony Sabitini from showing how broken their brains are.
A college friend of mine, a news producer for a midwestern radio station texted me earlier this AM asking “this is going to become political, isn’t it?” I figured it would become a Dubai Ports World style controversy or a Jones Act controversy. But apparently Open Borders and DEI where what they went with.
Speaking of DEI… Christopher Rufo is finding that it’s hard to build a coalition of weirdos around DEI in the wake of, and I am not making this up, a controversy involving the Babylon Bee insulting their audience.
OK, let’s get some good news… Some dog news. A NJ dog was set free after getting her head stuck in a tire. They had to use a plasma cutter (People).
A Holly Parody! Of JVL on Sarah’s Focus Group.
Does a George Floyd Quackumentary… Deserve to be Treated Like Valid Journalism? (The Unpopulist).
Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles… for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills (AP). Here’s Kali Holloway at The Daily Beast on the utter ridiculousness of the Trump Bibles.
Texas AG Ken Paxton makes deal… to avoid felony securities trial (WaPo). Shame!
I’m sorry, Nigeria… Global Market Program rights for the Cleveland Browns? Cheering for a disappointing franchise should be a choice!
“I am no longer certain that Putin is the bad guy….” The right wing co-owner of the Baltimore Sun taking the wrong side.
Your Patek Philippe Caliber 89 Now Needs A Service… A Look At Horology's Easter Problem (Hodinkee).
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