One of the worst things that every happened to us is that our tolerance and patience with minority parties has been used against us. The filibuster is awful. The Hastert Rule is the worst. Now minority caucuses tyrannize us.

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One thing to consider is that the US only really has 2 political parties. It is hard for people who might disagree with the direction of the Republican Party but not want to become a Democrat to form coalitions strong enough to defeat the craziness.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7

(Way late to the party:)

"When I think of all the societal ills and how they artificially place people at the top of Hollywood, preaching toxic principles, routinely anti-family principles, *definitively Satanic principles*, should make you pause and wonder why is that?" Owens said. "Why is that? Why is it that they reject someone like *Russell Brand* when he is coming up and recognizing that faith and family is turning him into a good person."


I'm dating myself here, but how many of you remember "Spy Magazine" and its classic series "Separated at Birth" but let me offer one possible reason why "Hollywood" has it in for Mr Brand. Those at the top have been around for a long time now, and many lived with Charles Manson's family and Helter Skelter. Plus, the interest in the murders may have waned but it is still of interest to many. My suggestion is based on the following:



Compare the pics and then think of what Count Floyd would say during breaks in "Monster Chiller Horror Theater, " "wasn't that scary, kids?"


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After such abject stupidity and cupidity on the part of the Republicans this week, like so many before, it's hard to summon up anything much to say. Sometimes silence is golden and perhaps that's what's needed just now. If there was an early evening star, I would wish with all my might that this bunch of ignominious gas bags would blow away. But they won't and neither will we.

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So much winning: "The New York Times BREAKING NEWS The House failed to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, after a small group of Republicans broke with their party.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024 6:53 PM ET The move dealt a stunning defeat to Speaker Mike Johnson, who had expressed confidence that he had the votes to charge Mr. Mayorkas with high crimes and misdemeanors for failing to lock down the U.S. border with Mexico amid a migrant surge."

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Bill Kristol? The guy who brought us Caribou Barbie? He killed Clinton Health Care, happily added to the chorus to invade Iraq.

This is what constitutes center right?

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We're going to miss you Charlie!

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From the article about NAR:

And in the chaotic season between the 2020 election and the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, NAR leaders were enormously influential mobilizers who convinced many right-wing Christians to turn out for the storming of the United States Capitol. ...beginning on the day the 2020 election was called for Biden, NAR leaders orchestrated a massive spiritual warfare campaign to see Trump reinstated, and that campaign culminated in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. ...[Ahn] he wants to see conservative, NAR-style Christianity reign supreme over the United States.

Although I basically agree with the main themes of the article, I have a problem with implications connecting NAR to the riot aspect of J6. Some 92% of the people who wen to the capitol that day were peaceful, albeit very noisy. How do we know that the Christians NAR pointed to the capitol actually participated in the violence?

NAR is just plain wrong. One of the big umbrella teachings of the New Testament is that it is impossible to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth by political worldly political methods. Furthermore, the Bible says the worst of God's judgement is reserved for false teachers and prophets.

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"Don't you love farce . . ." (Sondheim). Perfect.

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GOP: I was in favor of the border bill minutes before I was against it. John Kerry is shaking his head.

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I want out of this religiously-infected, profoundly stupid timeline. Can we go back to debating marginal tax rates again, please??

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So John Wayne and Ronald Reagan were CIA plants? That figures, I guess.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

I find it beyond irksome that someone as deeply stupid as candace owens makes so much money sharing her "wisdom" (hah!). BEYOND frustrating. While I, a high school teacher with two Masters degrees, paid for my dog's cancer surgery with a credit card.

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Thank you to The Bulwark for calling out Mike Johnson's extremist religious affiliations. His deep, long-standing ties to the New Apostolic Reformation movement make him one of the most dangerous figures in American politics. The mild manner, soft voice, temperate language, and clean-cut appearance are a disguise; it protected him well from scrutiny by his House colleagues, who confessed to knowing almost nothing about him before they elected him Speaker. In that moment, he laid a Bible on the podium, declared his adherence to dominionism, and became second in line to the presidency. Today we can see exactly how closely Johnson's decisions on matters of U.S. security and foreign policy align with the Christian nationalist NAR.

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Why is it that your excerpt of Bill Lueders' review of Medgar and Myrlie didn't mention that it had been written by Joy-Ann Reid? Simply curious. I know we can click on the link to see this but I think it should have been in the subheading.

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