Enjoy the Final Two Weeks of the DeSantis Campaign
You’re not going to have Ol’ Puddin’ Fingers to kick around much longer.

Update: No Triad on Thursday because I’ll be off doing Old Person Stuff. Should be back in the saddle on Friday.
Also: I was extremely pleased with the comments section yesterday. I went out on a limb with a high-concept idea that I don’t even necessarily believe and you guys had a smart, serious discussion about it—with close to 900 comments, almost all of which were substantive.
Every day you show what a healthy political community can look like here and I’m grateful to all of you for it. Thanks.
1. Vote of Confidence
We are nearing the end of the Ron DeSantis Experience and I’m going to explain to you why I think the clock on his campaign will start counting down on August 24. Let’s go.