Could someone explain this to me like I'm 5?

"Trump wasn’t on the Tuesday primary ballot because of Nevada GOP rules that demanded presidential candidates participate in Thursday’s party-sanctioned caucus in place of Tuesday’s state-sanctioned primary. Candidates had to pick one or the other. Haley chose the primary; Trump picked the caucus because that’s the only way to win delegates bound to the nominating contest.

So now, with Haley out of the caucus, Trump will win all the Nevada delegates in addition to winning a resounding None-of-the-Above victory in the primary. And so it’s Nevada, not South Carolina, that triggered the de facto end of the primary season."

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"What is Haley's strategy"? Possibly: Garner as many delegates as possible on the, not slim but don't take bets, chance that for some reason, health, criminal conviction, sentence to confinement (in descending order of probability), she is the only one standing at the Convention.

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This article is lazy, condescending, and stupid pro Trump propaganda. Trump wasn't forced to abide by the Nevada GOP rules, his campaign created them. Haley had zero campaign here. Trump's campaign had the Governor and the machinery of the state party campaigning for "none". What the primary result seems to show is that about 30,000 Nevada Republicans don't want much to do with the most recent Republican President. Who is that embarrassing to?

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I completely get that it's all futile but I rather like Nikki with a flamethrower.

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There was wind in Nikki's sails? I must have missed that.

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Haley is lighting donor money on fire? At least she’s not abusing donor money by spending it to defend her own criminal activity. She needs to stay in, at the minimum, to be a constant thorn to Trump who wants so badly to be crowned.

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Tony Fabrizio is garbage...period.

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If Haley keeps attacking Trump, whether she has a realistic shot at the nomination or not, I'll consider donations to her as money well spent.

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What is Nikki doing? Probably waiting to see if Trump gets thrown off the ballot, or dies, or is declared ineligible for holding office. Longshots, yes, but if voters want to give her money and she wants to spend it campaigning, what's the problem? So many cranky people worried about stuff that doesn't matter! Go take a walk and leave your phone at home.

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If the Supreme Court decides that the insurrection clause makes Trump ineligible, won't that go a long way toward making Haley the presumptive nominee? And if her campaign happens to catch fire--the prospect of the first woman president; the 'health' of President Biden etc, isn't it conceivable that Nikki Haley of South Carolina could be the next President of the United States. Might this scenario be her end game? Just sayin'....

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What is embarrassing is the latest Haley ads. One has Trump and Biden as "Grumpy Old Men".(a take off of the Walter Matthau/Jack Lemon movie) Pathetic. The other is one minute of a clucking Chicken. Donald is afraid of debating Nikki.Get it! What Nikki fails to realize yet is she is about as welcomed as Pence and Christie in the current MAGA Party.She probably thinks it will give her a heads up for 2028. But the probability of that is slim to none and Slim has left town.

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My guess is Nikki is holding out to see what SCOTUS says on Trump v Anderson. A surprise ruling against Trump or to send it back to the states would keep her bid alive.

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I don't get the point of this article. Trump is terrible. Haley should give up. Seems like a non-sequitur to me. Also Trump is not like other non-incumbants. The majority of the Republican Party thinks he was duly elected in 2020 and he is underperforming for an incumbant.

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Haley may be paying attention to what happens in the Supreme Court tomorrow. Will “His” Justices protect him from the Constitution? Everyone expects they will, but the case against Trump is very strong. He will look bad and the court will lose any shred of credibility they have left. It’s getting to be fascism, greed, and racism for the select few.

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If you were a MAGAperson in Nevada and you wanted to stick it to Haley, wouldn't you vote in the primary and choose "none of the above" (sort of like a Biden supporter in New Hampshire voting for him as a write-in, only meaner and more pointless)?

And if those are really Trump votes rather than Anybody But Haley votes, has she really done any worse in Nevada than elsewhere?

The ONLY two things I like about Nikki Haley are that she stands up well to adversity and she's a pain in Trump's 'okole. But those are two good things. I think she'd be an awful president. But for now I hope she stays in and keeps kicking. (At the rate I'm going, though, as soon as I press "Post" on this she'll concede.)

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I hope she stays in, just as a thorn in Trump's side. It will drive him nuts.

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