Fox Paid a Parking Ticket; Mike Lindell Is Going To Get Wrecked
In the Game of Trump, the cynical elites prosper while the rubes get taken to the cleaners.
Tonight: I’ll be joined by A.B. Stoddard and Bill Kristol to talk about about [gestures broadly] all of this.
Gonna be a super-sunny livestream in which we reaffirm our faith in the wisdom and judgment of the great and good American people. I can feel it.
Thursday Night Bulwark, 8pm in the East.
Only for members of Bulwark+.
Also: Come hang out with me, Charlie, Sarah, Tim, and my buddy Molly Jong-Fast! In the greatest city in the world!
We’re getting together on Thursday, May 18, in New York’s Symphony Hall on the Upper West Side.
For reals. Get tickets now. Come and see me. It’s going to be great.
1. Truth and Consequences
There’s an interesting coda to the Fox v. Dominion story.
You may recall that in August of 2021 the MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell, offered a $5 million bounty to anyone who could “Prove Mike Wrong” about his claims of Chinese interference in the 2020 election.
Well, someone did. Then Mike Lindell tried to stiff him. And yesterday an arbitrator ruled that Lindell had to pay the guy.