The projection of Jim Jordan’s weaponisation of the government committee is extraordinary. He’s weaponising his position to go after Bragg. Literally doing what his committee says on the tin. Pure MAGA.

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Our country is seriously ill.

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Never understood the Teaparty opposition to Obama care since much of its constituency benefited.

The leaders of the opposition preyed on the followers' racism and fear of the government giving them benefits.

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While anyone can sue another for anything, I don't beleive that a suit would be accepted by the court since the Victim-In-Chief/Criminal-In-Chief is insane.

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DiSantis seems even more venal, petty, and stupidly political than the Victim-In-Chief/Criminal-In-Chief, if that is possible.

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I don't know whether the Dominion lawsuit requires it to prove malice on the part of Fox. But if it does, given Rupert's comment that it was about the green, presumably the Fox defense will be that they did it out of greed rather than out of malice. Which is probably true.

Money brings power which brings money which brings power, etc., etc., etc. Hakuna Matata. It's the circle of life.

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TW, excellent point.

As a juror, I would see greed and malice as equal.

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I would, too. I just don't know if the law does, or whether intent matters at all.

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"alongside hundreds of recent attempts to fire or punish scholars for speech that’s protected by the First Amendment or basic principles of academic freedom."

I thought First Amendment Rights had to do with the government. If I don't like what someone is saying, I have a right to say so. True, jerks might attack someone if they don't like what he says. If I went to a Trump rally with a shirt that says Dump Trump, I would get shot within 20 min.

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There is more to Dominion than simply 1.7 billion dollars and an appology.Dominion sees their role of breaking of this age of mis information.That is why they aren't settling and they are going to trial.Good for them and for us. DY

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Sarah Longwell's article is spot on.Long story short, republican voters are not going back.Trumpism is what they want.Real conservatism no longer lives in the GOP.There is simply no strategy for republicans against Trump and Trumpism in republican primaries.(presidential, senate or house)As Tom Nichols states; the only way to get rid of Trumpism is to vote Democratic over and over and over. DY

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They were Trumpists before there was a political name.

I lived in rural PA and the reference was to rednecks and then even some of corporate types I eventually worked with were Country Club rednecks.

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The fact that kids are at the NRA convention is disturbing enough, even before seeing those photos. When I was a kid, and the neighborhood boys had toy guns, the rule from every parent was always "don't point a gun at anyone". They followed that pretty religiously. Is that not a thing any more?

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bigger story is No Labels is GOP op. More attention to this fake spoiler that has big mysterious funding and is only aiming at swing states

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Thank you for linking Sarah Longwell’s analysis. Tim Miller was just talking about this with Nicolle Wallace. I was able to read it but I was not able to comment on it despite being a Bulwark Subscriber. Has anyone else had this problem?

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I believe comments are only enabled for the main newsletters.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

Settlement is a distinct possibility. Lay people don't understand how these civil cases work. A plaintiff has to have 2 things to prevail: 1) the defendant to have done something wrong; and 2) that what the defendant did wrong caused harm to the plaintiff., harm that can be quantified. The fact a plaintiff wins #1 by a country mile doesn't matter unless you also have #2. The problem is Dominion doesn't appear to have sustained much in the way of damages from the allegedly defamatory actions of Fox. Dominion is worth as much now as it was before the election. If Fox's lawyers are smart, they are going to hammer the issue of Dominion not being able to show damages. That's going to really incentivize Dominion to settle the case. Let me be clear, I'm not cheering for Fox News. Just viewing the case realistically as an attorney.

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If I was DeSantis, I would put out an ad that went something like this. "Donald Trump -where have your hands been?" and then play the Access Hollywood tape.

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They saw that ad already and didn’t mind. They probably liked it because it showed him being a dominant aggressor. They don’t mind violence, misogyny and shows of power. But something about weirdos who can’t use spoons coming after their social security will definitely make them anti-DeSanttis.

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We (and by that I guess I mean most Americans) used to believe that guns do not belong in the hands of young children; losing gracefully is a sign of maturity, moral fiber, and communal spirit; and leaving while you are at the top of your game shows a willingness to give way to the next generation and preserve your own dignity and reputation.

So much for what we used to believe.

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I know this is a double bank shot and all.. Given that Fox has admitted that they pandered to their audience to prevent reputational damage, and that Trump is trying to cause reputation damage to Fox by claiming they are lying to their audience about the election NOT being stolen. Doesn't Fox have a pretty good libel case against Trump?

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