I think the GOP base cares about cares about abortion as much as Trump does. In other words, they only care about it because it is a way to generate liberal tears. They know it is a key issue and see restricting abortion as a way to punish the people they don't like. Outside of the Pro-Life activists, the base doesn't tie two shits about the unborn.

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What the hell is a “perfect phone call?”

It’s recorded. The fat oaf was extorting Raffensburger to alter the vote count.

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Trump wasn’t kidding. He could shoot somebody on fifth avenue and not lose any of his supporters. A few might waiver like they did January 6th but they’ll come back.

And “shoot somebody on fifth avenue” is an expression that was popular in the 1930’s and 40’s, before television.

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Yes, it's time for the GOP to panic. They don't know what they're doing. They are constantly making things worse for themselves.

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No, Mr. Walker. It's not that we teachers indoctrinate students today; it's more like young people have more access to information in this era than we did in mine (80s). We had TV and newspapers/magazines. Now? Info practically appears at the speed of thought. Not to mention, conservatives have been complaining about liberal media for decades. Did they really think Fox News was the answer? What's happening, Mr. Walker, is that the GOP is saying horrible things about entire groups of people and passing equally ugly legislation, and guess what? Our youth is paying attention! That seems like something we should celebrate, not denigrate.

There are so many opportunities for the GOP to turn the corner on their unpopularity but it's almost like they are choosing to remain ignorant of what the majority of the population wants for themselves and for fellow citizens absolutely defying the very 'logic' they espouse to be promoting. Do those party leaders truly not understand that if they go with almost anyone besides Trump, they have a strong chance of beating and 81/82 year old guy in '24?

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I wonder if as time passes since the overturning of Roe we don’t see more pro-choice voting as a result of people having a loved one or friend who suffered as a result of no abortion access. Hardcore pro-life voters can be idealistic about saved babies until someone they care for almost dies from a dangerous pregnancy or whose life is ruined by an unwanted pregnancy. We are most convinced through empathy.

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As far as AOC goes I’m inclined to agree with her. What “merits” did the ruling of a far right judge specifically appointed for how he ruled have? And if it gets appealed all the way to the SCOTUS how do you suppose Uncle Tom, Justice Handmaiden, the alcoholic sex offender and Alito who’s given to citing middle age common law are going to rule?

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Has Dominion Settled? Why not force it to trial???

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OK - today it was a Bank in KY - you know why it is this way? Because Republicans WANT it this way.

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Re abortion, pre-Dobbs it was election gold for Republicans because it pulled pro life voters to the polls. Post-Dobbs, those who aren't as fixated on guns or (to use a phrase from childhood because it seems aptest for Republican intentions) smearing the queers are likely to revert to low turnout typical American voters. In contrast, pro choice voters have painfully learned the lesson that voting does actually matter, so they've begun turning out in higher %s. Definitely not good for Republicans, who do richly deserve this jumbo serving of irony/Karma.

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Based on men like Paul Ingrassia and John Eastman, the conservative think tank is in need of a name change. Unclaremont Institute is more accurate.

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When abortions become totally illegal only rich people will be able to get abortions.

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And loads of women will die. Just like before Roe. The Rs absolutely want to drag us backwards.

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Olivier Roy, wrote about the virtual community of French Islamic terrorists that formed; they received no instruction about their religion, rather it was a question of identity. They found an identity, not a faith. Needed friends on line who required violence for friendship; the French never embraced the deplorables who couldn’t fit into the main accepted French culture. The deplorables were kept out of the good education, good jobs, and the better life was out of reach. So no, the authentic Islamic teachings that bring someone INTO a loving society was not there for them; on line where the hate brainwashed them into being terrorists.

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Ashley Babbitt voted for Obama twice.

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Then she ‘found Trump’ and got herself killed.

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AOC: "You call that shooting yourself in the foot!? Hold my beer!"

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When it comes to Evangelical churches, I have a book to recommend--"Jesus and John Wayne" by Kristin Kobes du Mez. She does approach the subject from the left, but, she is not really doing a hatchet job...you can't railroad people when you are quoting them directly from their sermons. I got it on Audible. After finishing it, I had an even more depressing view of Evangelical Protestantism...and I was less surprised they have been having sex scandals lately.

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It’s a great read. I wholeheartedly second the recommendation!

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