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CATHY YOUNG: Missiles and Momentum in Ukraine.

FOLLOWING THE HORRIFIC OCTOBER 7 ATTACKS on Israel by Hamas, the war in Ukraine was understandably pushed to the sidelines of the news, inevitably prompting right-wing trolls like former Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo to tout its alleged invisibility as implied evidence that it was always fake news…
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WILLIAM KRISTOL: A Month When Decades Happen.
There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.
—attributed to LeninAT THE END OF SEPTEMBER, President Joe Biden’s national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, remarked that “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” It wasn’t a ridiculous statement at the time. But how does it sound now? Hamas’s terror attack against Israel, and its implications and ramifications, most of which we have yet to see, make Sullivan’s comment seem as if from a different era.
Which it was.
Happy Monday! Chevron bought Hess, and maybe Standard is getting the band back together? (Did you know there are still Standard gas stations?!)
🎵On the Jukebox 🎵… My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski.
39,000 Steps… At A LIV Golf Party In Trumpland.
George Santos Swore He’d Never Talk to Me… Then the Phone Rang.
Why did Sidney Powell… plead guilty?
Relentless Wrestler… Jim Jordan is an unyielding combatant, whether grappling on the mat or in the halls of Congress.
Meanwhile, in Missouri… A modern day mound builder faces a reckoning.
Operation Warp Speed… The Untold Story of the COVID-19 Vaccine.
“cyberpunk af…” The new Japanese-produced F-35.
He Was Once a Favorite of the Right… Now, Mike Pence Can’t Get a Crowd of 15 to a Pizza Ranch.
Behind the scenes… At Dulles airport with Addison del Mastro as your guide.
Nightmare fuel… An off-duty pilot has been charged with 83 counts of attempted murder for trying to crash the plane mid-flight.
Westie stolen at gunpoint in D.C.! Area dog is very concerned and hopes Max, 14, gets home soon and the owner recovers.
Trump confuses Hungary and Turkey… At campaign stop in NH. And when asked about Sidney Powell and his relationship to her… total word salad.
The Worst Scandal in American Higher Education… Isn’t in the Ivy League, writes David French.
Donald Trump isn’t a fan… Of McKay Coppins’s new Romney book, which he thinks Mitt Romney, uh, wrote.
Taking A Lefty Turn… Matt Labash on how to celebrate life, amidst all the darkness, courtesy of Lefty Kreh.
UK to do away with century-old tradition… Of Chinese laundrymen on its warships over spying fears.
Riding out a snowstorm… In a truck camper.
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