Bill, in the spirit of pessimism and optimism giving life to each other, here's an article from my media outlet addressing your fears about the end of camembert. It's worth noting that cheesemaking and politics have much more in common than you would think; great taste is sometimes stinky too, and 90% of cheesemaking is cleaning up. Not to mention the potential for jokes and puns...


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In the back of the book called From Democracy to Democrazy by E. Graham (www.democrazy2020.org) and published July 2023, on page 175, there is a description of the TIME 100 Edition, June 2022 called "The Most Influential Persons of 2021-2022." This edition is described by Edward Felsenthal, the Editor-in-Chief, as "Power for Good." He said "we have one barometer: INFLUENCE. Who stood up? Who stood out? Who shaped this year? Influence, of course, may be for good or for ill - a dichotomy never more visible than in this year's TIME100 which includes the Russian dictator (Putin) behind a brutal war, and his foe, the Ukrainian President (Zelensky) whose leadership has made him a rare heroic figure in our diverse time." The description of Zelensky was written by U.S. President Joe Biden, and the description of Russian President Vladimir Putin was written by Alexei Navalny.

As most of you know, Alexei Navalny, age 47, was murdered this past week in a brutal Penal Colony in Siberia, Russia. A prison where torture, starvation, and cold death were common-place. The world has lost a great hero, and Putin has put another notch in his gun.

The following is Navalny's exact words to describe Putin: "Perhaps Vladimir Putin's true mission is to teach lessons. To everyone - from world leaders and pundits to ordinary people. He has been especially good at this in 2022. He reminded us once again that a path that begins with 'just a little election rigging' ALWAYS ends with a dictatorship."

When I read this statement in TIME100, all I could think of was Donald Trump's call (which was recorded) to Brad Raffensperger (R), the Secretary of State for Georgia pressuring him to "just find 11,780 votes" in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election in their state. This is the very trial that the Georgia DA, Fanni Willis is now attempting to prosecute. As a reminder, Joe Biden won that election by over 7 million votes.

Unfortunately, half our nation are victims of brainwashing who still believe Trump's lies and think the election was stolen. The only person attempting to rig the 2020 election was Trump - and he tried over and over - and eventually staged a coup to attack our Senate and stop our government from operating.

Navalny goes on to say: "Putin has reminded us all of the 'duck test' - if something looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The very same logic should be applied to this case: if someone destroys the independent media, organizes political assassinations, and sticks to his imperial delusions, then he is a madman capable of causing a bloodbath in the center of Europe in the 21st century . . . However, the answer to the main questions he poses - how to stop an evil madman with an army, nuclear weapons, and membership in the U.N. Security Council - is yet to be answered."

Guess what folks - Trump as the President of the United States, also had an army, control of nuclear weapons, and a membership in the U.S. Security Council. Would you trust a convicted felon with the button to kill other populations worldwide? I wouldn't.

Navalny was the leading opposition leader and Presidential contender fighting the tightly-held dictatorship of Vladimir Putin. He exposed corruption and opposed Putin's United Russia party. His Russian following exceeded millions, and many if not most Russian citizens watched or learned about the CNN show that detailed the KGB process and the PROOF of how Putin attempted to murder Navalny with poison. Navalny survived that attempted murder, only to feel the strong need to return to Russia and continue his drive for a free and just Russia. He was immediately arrested and eventually murdered. It was only a week or so ago that I predicted in a blog "that Navalny will not survive the hardships of a Siberian prison." He was sent there to die.

My soul is filled with sorrow and pain - for all of Russia, but also for all of the United States. Our country is on the verge of deciding an election choice between our own "madman" (a convicted sexual predator, a fraud conviction, and 91 criminal felony charges) and a man with almost 50 years experience in public service. The Republicans in Congress have implemented a dishonest and destructive campaign against Biden - all false information and a reflection of how Trump operates - as does Putin.

Biden inherited Trump's fiscal disaster where in his last year in office, Trump spent almost 50% more than our Treasury collected in income. (The Economist) Anyone or any country that spends 50% more than their income is headed for a fiscal disaster and probably Trump's fifth bankruptcy. By his second year in office, Biden's economic policies corrected this situation - the economy is strong, unemployment is down, the stock market is positive, inflation is down, and so on. Biden is by far, the most qualified person to lead the United States - no matter his age.

We need every American to vote for Biden in this next election as if your life depends on it - because it does!! Elizabeth www.democrazy2020.org


Elizabeth Graham spent 20 plus years in Russia and other dictator-led countries. She then wrote From Democracy to Democrazy as a warning to all Americans about Putin's intentions to return the world order to pre-NATO days, to create a new Soviet Union, to destroy the United States and our democracy.

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If Fani Willis really carries that much cash around with her (so she'll never have to walk home after a bad date?) I at least hope she's packing heat.

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I have to admit that after the second “you may as well hang yourself” newsletter, I had to bow out. I am a big fan, Mr. Kristol. And I’m NOT looking for, as Charlie used to say, “something, something, unicorns, something, Big Mac, deus ex machina…” But depressing fact after depressing fact only works for me if it shows me a pathway to action. President Biden is the candidate. TFG is the candidate. Republicans are going to do what they do. So is Trump. Let’s talk about problems we can fix? Thank you, sir.

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Some good news for those of us who like Biden: "Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last" LA Times, Yahoo, NYT, even Fox News.

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After these hearings Willis' and her father's homes will be targeted by thiefs too, not only by Trump's army of morons

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Haha! Bill you have a sense of humor! I love this missive!

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This couldn’t be more obvious: two lawyers had sex, therefore Trump is innocent. Why is everyone so confused?

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It is sad that the honest professional journalists, including all media personalities, is tainted by the likes of a Tucker Carlson and his ilk. Hopefully he decides to defect to Russia which is where he prefers to be apparently.

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Did Lord Haw-Haw II find dill pickle potato chips in his oligarchian Moscow supermarket? White Castle Original Slider six packs? Hot Habanero Pepperoni & Sausage Hot Pockets?

We all know the answer to that one. Russkiy Mir is a food desert. Strike three on Lord Haw-Haw II.

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Jeez, Bill & Andrew! You guys sure know how to trigger those of us who I would describe as, “a little sensitive”….

I just want to offer a welcoming word or two of encouragement. I LOVE you guys! I don’t happen to agree with each take or ‘missive’. But I respect what you guys have to say and if it’s a little dark, I happen to have a little light. Please keep up what I for one think was a fantastic first week. And don’t go getting big heads just because 1% of respondents (me, and, uh, well, ahem) love what you’re doing. I reserve the right to bitch about you next week!

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Very true - that’s why Georgia Merloni has become the face of the battle to fight the African diaspora on the African continent and is garnering a lot of support or at least tacit acceptance, particularly on the Southern edge of Western Europe …. But the same truth applies; as much of the African subcontinent becomes unlivable due to drought and extreme climate change, the need to migrate or die will exacerbate the migrant crisis. I mean look at Great Britain trying to rationalize deportations to Rwanda (I think) to attempt to dissuade people from risking their lives crossing the English Channel!

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I have advice for Mr Lueders and I’m not sure where else to post it, so here goes.

The solution to your problem is extremely simple. Hire a lawyer to write on their very expensive stationary that if the neighbor’s dog causes any more damage, you will sue the **** out of him. Make sure he sees you taking pictures whenever the dog is in the wrong yard. It’s sounds like your other neighbors would help.

Next, have the lawyer write a similar letter to the regulators and explain that if anything goes wrong again, you will sue the **** out of the city/township/whatever. Explain that you will also get the local news involved.

Stella looks like a very good girl. None of you should have to live in fear.

Sue, sue, sue. It’s the American way.

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I defended Bill's arguments in the Monday Morning Shots about should Biden withdraw and that it might be possible at this juncture for the Dem party (that inlcudes me, as a voter and a donor) to pick another candidate. On yesterday's TNL, Sarah and Tim insisted that there is no other Dem candidate. In his podcast This morning, Ezra Klein said "Biden is faltering and Democrats have no plan B. There is another path to winning in 2024 — and I think they should take it. But it would require them to embrace an old-fashioned approach to winning a campaign." I haven't listened yet, but I suspect he means allow the party to pick the best candidate to beat Trump.

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Maybe you should listen first before making a conclusion.

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I didn't make a conclusion. I said I had a suspicion. I listened and that is exactly what he is saying.

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Yeah, well, MAGA loves its suspicions. What we have seen is that in public discourse these days, stating a suspicion is not functionally different from stating a conclusion.

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Terry, I think you're making too much of this. I only posted the comment before I listened to the podcast to get it in today's comments before everyone was done for the day (I'm on the Left Coast). Of course I would have waited until I'd heard it and then said what it was about, but it was about timing, not sloppiness.

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Tucker should have his passport revoked.

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Only if he has to stay in Russia as a result.

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The link to the Politico article on protests outside of public officials homes is worth your time.

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