Reading the Bulwark news this morning has depressed me more than ever. How can these horrible, black-souled human beings not be in prison? And they are the ones for whom solitary confinement would be appropriate.

Where I live, the sort of hate slime speech they have been spewing for years is illegal. Reasonably responsible governments realize that there is a limit to free speech when it encourages harm to others.

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Oh lord, the comments. The plain fact is that so-called gender-affirming care for minors is risky and poorly researched. Mona mentioned that some European countries have become much more cautious about recommending it. What's more likely: that those countries' health departments are led by hateful bigots, or that their concern is justified?

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Do you know any gender-fluid or trans-curious kids? Do you know any families with a child that questions their birth-assigned gender? Do you know any trans people? This isn’t even abnormal. There have always been people who questioned their gender. It’s just that now we have more knowledge about gender dysphoria and we have a way to help people who don’t feel that their assigned gender is who they really are.

If someone is diagnosed with diabetes, doctors know how to help them stay alive. The same should apply to gender dysphoria. We know how to “treat” it but because gender dysphoria involves gender identity and some religions are emphatic about gender identity, it becomes a morality issue, not a medical issue. Maybe if we weren’t so hung up on sexual “morality” we wouldn’t judge people who don’t accept their birth-assigned gender. Some indigenous peoples have more than two genders as part of their culture. Maybe the problem is with our culture’s insistence on only one idea of sexual norms. Try to imagine a society that accepts every person’s gender identity as normal. Maybe we wouldn’t have to “fix” people who don’t identify with their birth-assigned gender. There would be no need for gender reassignment. We would accept all people for who they really are and benefit from a truly diverse community.

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What's the definition of "gender"?

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Does Trump have a Sticky keys issue w his keyboard ? Kinda looks like it.

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Thank you Mona Charen. It is very destructive to undermine the parent-child relationship, especially during adolescence. It is unthinkable that teachers and schools would do this. Parents are pushing back successfully in Wisconsin. I’m not a conservative and have always supported gay rights, but this is something different. Adolescence is full of ambivalence, body dismorphia and distancing from parents. Kids try on all sorts of identities. Most of us mature out of these phases. Family relationships are what endures, even after our tumultuous adolescences. We need a lot more study of what can only be called a trans fad.

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Who is surprised that a rich white guy from South Africa is a NAZI?

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Well, thanks. That was depressing.

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"Someone is having issues today."

Mental illness is known to cause "issues".

Re: you know who.

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Elon Musk is a closet Nazi. Don’t buy Teslas.

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Elon Musk is a closet Nazi. Don’t buy Teslas.

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It seems that Mona (and Charlie) seem to have a fundamental ignorance about parents. I think mine were pretty understanding about most things, but they were strict about others. My brother wasn't gay, but if he had been he wouldn't have been able to come out while my father was alive. And if my mother took my claims to want to be a boy seriously, she wouldn't have approved either.

And there are a LOT of parents even less understanding than mine.

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In terms of Mona Charen's column on what schools tell parents - would telling a parent that their child is exploring Mormonism get them punished? or kicked out of the house? Then the school should NOT tell the parent. Transitioning can have very bad consequences for a child.

Also - is that really the argument she wants to go with? Seems a feeble strawman argument. Is it really a parent's business which religion the child is following? When my sister was in high school she did "jesus freak" briefly - I don't think the school told our parents.

The child in the story - Bradshaw's child who had strugged from ADHD and whatnot - were they in counseling? seeing a doctor? Why didn't the parent already know about the child's transition?

Anyway, let children have some privacy. Seems like if they are transitioning, parents will notice it anyway. And if they don't notice, doesn't that say something too?

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Thank you for your piece today, Mona Charen. Lots of people who follow this issue peripherally may not know that the "suppression of competing views" has taken place within the LGBT movement as well as between the queer community and the outside world. Lesbians and gay men who are concerned about an ideology that labels all nontraditional gender behavior in children as signs of trans identity have been quite systematically shut down, cast as transphobic, and effectively exiled from the movement. As a life-long lesbian, I no longer regard myself as a member of this movement. But I'm still concerned about the fact that even as Europeans pay attention to emerging research in this area, progressives in the US refuse to reconsider.

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I'll give you a hint. Jewish space lasers

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It is very disheartening to read that the Nazis are now mainstream on twitter. That along with the characters in the D Trolls. DeSantis has gone full fascism and "mainstream" republicans are touting him as their savior from t****, save us. But what concerns me most of all is the classified material. There seems to be so many failures on so many levels it is very disheartening. There is a chain of custody on every piece of officially classified material. That is there is a signature trail of who has a piece of classified material (I am speaking with certainty about DOD material here and assuming it is that way for classified material from every other agency) and that person is responsible for maintaining the control and integrity of that piece of material. What Biden and Pence did was careless and dumb and in no way shape or form remotely comparable to the wilful taking of classified material and the obstruction of it being returned to the rightful agencies. BTW NARA is only a conduit for this material and a convenient agency to obscure where it really came from which is a good thing. We already know way more than we should about it.

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There's really only one way to deal with a Nazi. Any Nazi. It's time to go back to that.

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I honestly had a hard time with the Anglin piece. It made me physically ill. I will never be able to comprehend that level of hate.

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