tucker carlson-----a very BAD JOKE----HE IS NOT a newsman--at --all. just an VERY BAD J(OKE-----a THING not to give any thought too---- no thought too-----at all. as far as the(lawyer a very BAD JOKE) just what d. j. "trump" the HUMP ! needs, -, afte all --MORE STUPID----this will serve him well as STUPID is his middle name, just ask his supporters !

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destroying Senator Langkford is very STUPID ! but leave it up to the G.O.P. to try to do this.............STUPID is what STUPID will do, and that is what the G.O.P. will try to do. STUPID IS THE ONLY THING THEY CAN TRY-------SO ---STUPID IS WHAT THEY WILL TRY ! and that's what STUPID IS.

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"Queens Bullshit" is not the only reason we will miss you, believe me.

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Anyone who thinks that TFG, having accepted and used the Crown and Scepter of Absolute Power, (even for a moment), would then meekly return them to their packing case or whereever he got them, is certifiably more delusional than the 900 at Jonestown.

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I went to live in Europe in 1975. The Iron Curtain was a reality. Europeans were very worried about a Communist invasion. Many also shared with me horror stories about wittnessing the take over by Hitler and his goons. But they were honest, they admitted they never imagined it could happen in their lifetime. I was also living there when the wall came down and country after country began to drive the Communists officers out of office. Some like Romania hanged them. In Yugoslavia, war broke out and many lives were lost, but the dictators living in Belgrad were removed from power. Several of them were tried in the Hague before the International Criminal Court. European School children are taught the history of these evil regimes. Our schools should teach what happened in Europe because it could happen here. The candidates running against Trump should use his own words to defeat him "I'm your retrubition" "I will be dictator for a day" Who believes it will be only one day? If so your delusional. I know there are other statements to use against him. We have a country to save!!

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L'État, c’est moi, Trump insisted. Nope, said the judges, you’re just a chump like the rest of us.

Yes Charlie this is one of many reasons we will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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“A striking 58% of Americans believe that Trump is probably or definitely guilty of illegally attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election,”

What's "striking" to me - a registered Republican since 1992 (and Never-Trumper since 1985) - is that it's so far from 100%, which it would be in a sane world. Worse, other polls reveal that a good chunk of that 58% will still vote for him! If like me you're in the other 42%, don't even think of not voting, or voting for anyone other than Biden! Voter turnout is the biggest variable, and we already know that Trump addicts are prepared to walk on hot coals to vote for him. We must do the same to keep him - and his protectors - out of public office.

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“...a startling 39 percent of Americans, including 74 percent of Republicans, think it’s a decent idea for Donald Trump to act as a dictator for a day...”

Just as scary is the fact that >99% just "assume" what he meant instead of pounding him daily with "what exactly do you mean by that? Heck, even I'd be fine with someone - not Trump of course, and probably not Biden either - being a "dictator for a day" if all he meant was to cut through the gridlock and get things moving, then let the system take over as usual. And that "could" be all he meant, even if his famous "I don't kid" quote was not just another of his 1000s of lies. Surely many of his adoring fans interpreted it that way despite the massive evidence that his rabid protectors are hell-bent on making him a real dictator for life. Oh, I have heard too many times the "why bother questioning a liar" excuse. But that's the whole point. Never let a shyster salesman have the last word. Make them squirm!

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The older I get, the more difficult the losses, and losing your voice on the Bulwark is no exception. My husband and I became regular listeners of your podcast after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, soon after became Bulwark members, and in the process, discovered much more than great content…we found our tribe. Thank you, best wishes and God bless, Charlie. You are indeed a great American, and we will miss you something fierce.

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We can debate how fair or unfair what I'm about to say is. But it's undeniable, at this point, that "The Party of Lincoln" could be more accurately called "The Party of John Wilkes Booth". It's objectively closer to the truth. Lincoln would be absolutely dragged, shunned, and labeled "woke" if he were alive today. And his assassination would be treated just about the same as the attempt on Mike Pence, if not worse. Case in point: Evangelical pastors now bemoan that whenever they give Jesus' "Temple On The Mount" speech, the congregation complains about having to hear such "woke" jargon in Church. Can't make this up. I think we're fucked.

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If you want to really scare yourself stupid, as I have, watch videos on Rebel HQ and the TYT YouTube channels. They interview cultists at rallies. It’s almost torture porn. They are so far down the rabbit hole they can’t see daylight.....and they vote.

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Tom Nichols’s comments about US aid to Ukraine are chilling. Too many “kids” of voting age don’t have a clue about US interconnectedness with Eastern European countries and NATO. They are clueless about Stalin, the Cold War, the USSR, and the evil sludge Putin came out of. What are the MAGA republicans who oppose aid to Ukraine thinking? They just flat out aren’t thinking.

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You will be missed. Thanks for what you have done at this site. Tuck is right. The Republicans in the senate should be ashamed. People can agree that something needs to be done about the large numbers of illegal aliens crossing the southern border. They can accept that a plan to limit things to 4,999 arrivals a day falls a little short of being a meaningful solution. That does not justify endangering NATO and the victory we won over the Soviets that ended the cold war, liberated east central Europe, and dismembered the Soviet Union. Anyone who served this country in or out of the armed forces in achieving that victory should be insulted, worried, and angry. So should those of us who only supported the effort as private citizens. So should people of any age who are paying attention and care about the state of the world. As of now enough Republicans showed enough good sense to join with the Democrats except Sanders and move toward starting to getting a bill passed. That is good but does not excuse those who voted no. Immediate wartime needs should be treated as immediate wartime needs while working on the border as the separate issue it is. Besides doing so would give senators of both parties a chance to show, against the way many people would bet, that they can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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Charlie! Don’t go!! But seriously thank you for bringing us through the last 5 years and helping us all deal with Trumpf and the aftermath. You deserve the rest. But hope to hear and see from you soon 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Yes I am going to miss you ! I read the Bulwark every morning and I so enjoyed your insights.Best of luck from one of your readers who happens to be a life long very liberal registered Democrat.

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Oh, dear God! How did we ever come to this? I remember HST talking about his “do nothing” Congress, but at least they weren’t at each others’ throats! What must the rest of the world think of us? Meanwhile, President Biden is quietly going about the business of cleaning up the mess #45 left behind, and doing a helluva job of it!

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