2,222 is the number of votes trump won by. Thats nothing in the grand scheme of things.

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I really like the Podcasts, but I love the written pieces. I prefer to read.

Who are these people answering these polls? Why would anyone hate Biden? I'll tell you who answers polls. Old people with land lines and old people who answer cell phone calls.

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Oh yes, our work ahead is dead serious. ,and we need to approach it as such. I think part of that effort should be attempting to point out that surely one can't take this buffoon and goofy guy seriously. That would be better than the kid gloves with which the press and media treat him now.

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Here's an example of what and why the focus must be on aggressive and accurate journalism, the real kind: A big seller in the trumpstore is the t shirt that reads, "Rope-tree-journalist-some assembly required". Let us remind the leaders of the mainstream media every day that if elected, the orange fascist will almost positively try to see to it that he and only he controls all the media content in the USA.

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I don't know how well-financed the Bulwark is, but please consider doing an advocacy commercial later this year with the content from part two of this posting. Maybe team up with the Lincoln Project or some other centrist group(s). I mean, I know it won't penetrate the minds of Trump supporters, but at least some of the people on the fence have to care about substance, about accomplishments, right? We don't support Joe Biden because he is a better human being than Trump - that is the lowest bar possible.

We also support Biden because he has been a damn good president. He deserves a second term regardless of the opponent.

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JVL quote used by Joe [on morning joe in the last hour - approx 17min in -winks] today

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I wasn't going to comment on Bulwark articles anymore ... but I literally woke up in the night with a diamond realization. If you read this article ... https://www.oah.org/tah/november-5/evangelicalism-and-politics/ ... it seems to me that the "Why" of DJT is obvious. He is NOT a politician, has no deep roots in Civics or political culture ... He has no investment in the ethics and "civic morality" of our shared national political system. He was "hired" to do a job, like Prigozhin of the Wagner Group -- to do exactly that which politicians who ARE rooted in Constitutional Culture would NOT do: finally destroy the wall between church and State. Because: it won't affect him. Clearly! Not a Christian, not a politician. Not even a Republican. Just a chainsaw in the hands of people who want Power Over Other People. But they'll never have power over HIM.

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What I cannot fathom are the people who say that the US needs a dictator. Once they get their wish, do they believe they will ever be able to vote again?

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Joe is running a campaign that relies on the good sense of the American people.

Trump is running a campaign that relies on the idiocy of the American people.

Who wins depends on the numbers of each.

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Fantastic Triad!!! BRAVO JVL!!! Make sure Bill Kristol reads every word of the last section.

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"And Trump will continue to misunderestimate Joe Biden."

Is misunderestimate a word? Rather, just underestimate. Or, is it a portmanteau word, a mash-up of misunderstand and underestimate. Ok, I get it.

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JVL, You might add to your list of Biden's strengths, the strength and diversity of his appointments. It's a strong administration because of Biden's choices and his ability to pull together and work with an impressive array of people.

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I love when JVL points to silver linings. We need all we can get. When you're in SF, get a pastrami sandwich at Tommy's Joint on Geary & Van Ness.

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safe travels to the Bay Area, can't wait to see you in SF.

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Thanks for this. Nice words about Biden. Life isn’t all about railing against the Man from Queens. It’s also game recognizing game. Much appreciated.

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So Trump received 2.3% of the total Iowa registered voters... enjoy your victory lap around the hamster wheel

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