Leading The Bulwark

The Truth About Trump’s COVID Test Timeline
Tim Miller: Why the president is hiding his previous COVID tests and lying about what he knew and when.
Key graf:
The full extent of the White House’s irresponsibility is not clear because their lies and dissembling have left us with a muddied timeline that contains few solid fence posts. But from what we do know—or think we know—the fact pattern suggests gross negligence in managing the virus.
On the Pods…

Amanda Carpenter and David Priess on the COVID Joy Ride
On today's Bulwark Podcast, Amanda Carpenter and David Priess join Charlie Sykes to discuss the President's COVID-19 diagnosis, the 25th Amendment, the 2020 elections, and the Supreme Court vacancy.
From our friends at Checks and Balances:
How Trump Has Diminished American Stature

John Bellinger and Kenneth Wainstein join to discuss how President Trump's national security decisions have put America, and its reputation, at risk. Plus, what a second term of Trump might look like for American national security.
From The Bulwark Aggregator
The Secret History of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Departure From Fox – Jane Mayer, New Yorker
The ‘F*ck Your Feelings’ Crowd Wants a Pity Party for Trump – Rick Wilson, The Daily Beast
In big states, tiny counties, Trump attacking voting rules – NICHOLAS RICCARDI, JONATHAN DREW and SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press
St. Bonaventure suspends 21 students for violating COVID compact – WIVB
Cruise ships dismantled for scrap after pandemic sinks industry – Reuters
How Mark Meadows Became the White House’s Unreliable Source – Tim Alberta, POLITICO
In today’s Bulwark

The Transformation of Mike Pompeo
A.B. Stoddard: From his schmoozefests to his scandals, it’s clear the secretary of state wants to get out in front of the 2024 field.

The European Central Bank Can’t Save the European Economy by Itself
Desmond Lachman: The bank’s single mandate of price stability could create more economic instability in the long run.

Trump’s Battle with COVID Can Bring Us Together
David Shaywitz: Sickness and disease have the power make us remember our shared humanity.

Meet the Swing Voters Who Embrace Conspiracy Theories
Rich Thau: A liberal democracy can endure a great many tensions between the people: different races, different religions, different political views. But cohesion exists only if, at the bedrock level, everyone shares the same reality.

For Those Feeling Discouraged: There Are No Lost Causes
John Kingston: Look to Judas in these dark days. (No, other one.)

The Other Democratic Party
Stephanie Muravchik and Jon A. Shields: To Understand Trump’s Appeal Look to the Tradition of Boss Politics in the Democratic Party.
Did anything happen over the weekend?
I do a show with some pals from college for Pacifica Radio, and every week my friend Mark, the host, asks for predictions and I have a little schtick: I say things are going to get worse. I say it every week, and sure enough, things get worse!
It’s going to be one of those weeks, so buckle up.
Low Rent James Bond… How one of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas operatives blew his cover (and some chunks over the side of a boat.)
Inside The Lincoln Project’s war against Trump. An interesting look inside the machine from The New Yorker.

Hey remember when the President and MAGA world was obsessed with Hydroxychloroquine? Guess what the President didn’t have in his treatment regimen. (It rhymes with “my foxy boro teen.”)
Ohio goes to the polls. By mail. Requests for mail-in ballots in Ohio are twice as high as 2016 in 35 of Ohio’s 88 counties. Two of Ohio’s eleven million citizens have requested them.
There's a Horse In The Hospital. This joke has become too damn literal, with apologies to Mitch Hedberg.
Can we talk about Glenn Greenwald? This guy has totally lost the plot here. It’s galaxy brain level game theory.
Attacking Joe Biden for not getting the ‘rona. If you thought the Trump campaign couldn’t stoop to even lower lows, you were wrong. This is a segment on FOX NEWS explaining that Trump’s firsthand experience with COVID-19 gives him the upper hand against Joe Biden.
But wait, there’s more. After Amy Coney Barrett’s coronation/super spreader event at the White House, Kamala Harris would like a barrier between her and VP Mike Pence at their forthcoming debate in Salt Lake City, Utah.
You’d think, given his history with being in rooms with women not his wife, he’d be OK with that. But you’d be wrong!
Can’t stop the ‘rona… Sorry, but the virus gets a vote. And now that we’re aware that WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has it (as do two of her underlings), please turn back the clock and enjoy this dry-aged bad take that helped her get the job. Spoiler alert: it is not refreshing, it’s just sad. Overtime hopes McEnany and all afflicted at the WH complex get better ASAP.
What is Bill Mitchell up to? One of the President’s earliest and most ardent supporters (recently banned from Twitter) has an update. It is not the first time he’s asked his fans for money to help him move.
RIP Bob Gibson. The St. Louis Cardinal great passed away just as the red birds were eliminated from the COVID-19 playoffs. Here’s a great look at his career.
“Who is Blue Shirt Guy?” I think we have our feel-good movie of 2020.
Saagar Enjeti’s Superficial Smarts. At National Review, Jack Butler has a brutal takedown of The Hill’s populist ladder climber.
From my cold, audited hands... The Wall Street Journal reports that Wayne LaPierre, longstanding NRA king pin, is being investigated for possible tax fraud by the IRS. The gun rights organization has been in disarray in recent years after firing Oliver North, who exposed the inner workings of the organization on his way out.
That’s it for me today, friends. Remember, you can always send your thoughts, criticisms, wishes, and questions to me at swift@thebulwark.com.
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