It's like a hypnosis and cult rolled into one. A very dangerous cult.

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I understand that. The current WH comms staff is doing a terrible job communicating what Biden is accomplishing as President. That’s their job.

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I'd argue the J6 commission was not on a fishing expedition. There was/is so much evidence it was more like shooting fish in a barrel.

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“Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

He must have meant hydroxychloroquine.

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Thanks for the greatest hits. It’s disgusting how many have changed their tune since then. No integrity. No patriotism. I really can’t understand it. This is why - as Tom Nichols insists- no one should vote for ANY Republican until this cancer is destroyed.

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Re Stefanik and McCain:

'"[We are] a nation of ideals, not blood and soil"

Sen. John McCain's words of farewell. PBS. 27 August 2018.

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When I first started caring about politics (I started late, but have made up for it), I noticed the republican tendency towards bald faced lying. Not the kind of lying that has always been a part of politics, but completely making stuff out of whole cloth. I was shocked and angry at first. It’s become their trademark, so I’m no longer shocked but I am way more angry. They aren’t just lying about one or two things, they’ve constructed an alternate universe, complete with its own media, history, and “science.” It has gotten many people killed and likely will kill more. At this point, I truly hate them for what they’ve done to America. I hope in the future this may change, that something will persuade them they are on the wrong path. I don’t want to hate my neighbors, or fear them. I am willing to listen to other people’s views on issues and disagree with respect. I am not willing to disagree respectfully on whether covid is real, whether the rioters on January 6 were “sightseeing,” or whether the civil war was about slavery.

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I am terrified that he will win, and that as a democrat in a democratic state, he will take punitive actions against us (my state, not personally, though who knows how much his army of trolls hand picked by the far right maga “think tanks” will be capable of?). And I am terrified for people less able to protect themselves than we are, people who are minorities or impoverished or have some other vulnerability. If we could easily leave, I think I would, but damn it, as changed as it is, this is my HOME.

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I have always wondered what Trump was doing all alone in the Oval office. Perhaps he was jacking off while watching his admirers reeking havoc.

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Anyone else find it ironic that most of the commentary on the upcoming Supreme Court consideration of Colorado's 14th amendment case appears to assume they'll look for an off ramp so that they don't have to rule that Trump should be kept off the ballot.

The irony is that this is what they're expecting from a Supreme Court with 5 "originalist" justices who have clearly stated their philosophy that all legal disputes should be resolved by asking how they would have been resolved at the time they were drafted, to comply with the author's original intent.

The original intent of this amendment was to prevent Confederates who worked against the constitution from holding office, unless a 2/3 majority of legislators voted to allow for an exemption. In other words, it specifically told voters who wanted to elect secessionists - nope, you can't. Those folks are disqualified; doesn't matter if you want to vote for them. You can't.

Yet we all seem to expect that this deeply held belief of these justices will be tossed out the window if the justices think that following it would tick off Trump voters and perhaps lead to another mob uprising. Either we don't believe this "originalism" philosophy is held in good faith or we believe the justices are afraid to enforce the Constitution for fear of Trump's mob.

Let's let them do their work and maybe they'll surprise us and follow their sacred "originalism" theology. If they don't, they'll be telling us exactly how much they believe it or whether it's just cover for them to implement the policies they support.

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Just curious what the GOP wants? What is their vision for America?

Even when Trump has left the scene, what exactly will the next generation of conservatives want for America?

We have seen 40 plus years conservative policy - so lower taxes, deregulation (compared to the time before Reagan). Yet what did we get? We got a weakened working class and a deindustrialized America.

Can conservatives admit that their vision failed?

There is always lots to complain about in the stuff that comes out of the progressives. But once we’ve had our laugh, in terms of making a better America, the Democrats do a better job.

A few years ago, Kansas tried to apply a strict low tax policy in an already low tax state. The effort failed. Some (like the Cato institute) spun the failure as political - not as a failure of the idea. But I remember hearing Arthur Laffer speak about the matter and he suggested that Kansas just needed more time. In any case all policy faces compromise in the legislative process. And however you spin it, the ideological effort failed.

But even the GOP is very much like the teenager who can’t agree with his parents even when they are right.

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This just in per NYT: "Chairman of Florida Republican Party Is Ousted Amid Scandal The move came more than a month after the police in Sarasota confirmed that Christian Ziegler was under criminal investigation for sexual assault."

But they have no problem with a president who was accused of multiple counts of sexual assault and has been found by an R judge that Jean Carroll was raped by him and has to pay her millions. I guess Ziegler's problem was he didn't start defaming the victims.

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Charlie,you once had a section of Morning Shots devoted to the worst persons of the week.How about worst statements of the week?You could call it Worst Statements of the week or Trump Idiotics or Sycophants idiotics (Not necessarily just Trump but also loyalists and boot kissers) It is truly the gift that will keep on giving.

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Seeing how complete the transformatiom of a Republican party to the now MAGA party has been astonishing.I can't find anything in American history that comes remotely close.Jim Jones and David Koresh come to mind but on a tiny fraction to scale. The immediate reaction of Republicans to 1/6 then and now has come to show the current mantra of many if not most of them now. "I don't believe what my eyes just saw". Those are the words of sportscaster Jack Buck. As I said, many if not most Republican voters now are fully emersed in what Sarah calls the "triangle doom loop of information". And their views of most American institution has been crushed by Trump and Trumpism.

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the Republican party has been a cesspool since Reagan sold the country out. To pretend otherwise is revisionist! Was the Free trade movement a democrat one? Was Nafta not in the republican platform since Reagan? Who got us into the war on iraq? Afghanistan? Who called for deregulation of the financial industry in their platform since reagan? whi called for the privatization of the works of government in their platform since reagan?

You all are now just making money off opposing the mess you created!

Who promoted and had the Conservative. judges to legalize bribery. aka Citizens United? was that the liberal justices who passed that?

You are all hypocrites. YOU are responsible for Trump YOU were the cheerleaders for FOX. spare me your revisionist bullshit. I hope you believe in God! What good will your spin do you then?

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They are all traitors. Use the laws we have

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