l believe that this article tells all about the "Rapethepublicans Greedy Old Pricks party", they have proven to be only interested in what they want, and NOT what is good for the Country. they can only do for themselves that means GREED !and that's what's wrong with them.the "G.O.P. party is not the party to govern this country, as all they want is POWER & MONEY this is what they can SPEND ON THEMSELVES ! and not on the Country, they can't govern in fact they can't do much except for THEMSELVES and this is BAD for the Country. they want to "govern" and that they can't do but they sure can SPEND and this is all they can do.when d.j."trump"the HUMP! was in office HE ADDED 7.8 trillion dollars to the deficet do to His greed, His attitude always ME FIRST AND SCREW STEAL EVERYONE ELSE !!, even those that helped Him STEAL , this is what He will always do, JUST SCREW EVERYONE & THE COUNTRY TO. encluding the "Rapetehpublicans Greey Old Pricks party" and the very strange part is they are the FIRST to not get anything! and that's d.j."trump"the HUMP! well earned GOP party !, but not good for anyone or anything else. if d.j."trump"the HUMP!! can't make anything for Him He won't do it as this is they way the HUMP! works-------BAD luck to the GOP as they have earned this and MORE !

the answer is to VOTE BLUE-- YES-- VOTE BLUE all the way down and get rid of the crooks,the incompotant, the people that put themselves FIRST and SCREW EVERY ONE ELSE AND THE COUNTRY TO!.

THIS IS THE REPUBLICANS G.O.P. party. -------- everything- is- LAST!- and- I- mean- LAST!.



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Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a grifter, liar and a cheat. But he had a Game show, and so most know his phoney persona from TV. Like the Truman Show if it's not on TV it's not real. If Jeffrey Dahmer had a game show, he would never have spent a day in jail. Maybe he would have been Trump's running mate.

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That top picture - when did trump's hair turn from dark brown to a golden halo?

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Such a pity that the " white men, obsessed with a supposedly better past" for whom "the hated now . . . . .has displaced the sacred then" don't realise that 2the sacred then" was when they were ten years old. Those were the days when the summer school breaks lasted for six months, and every day the sun shone. A dollar could buy you Heaven, and all your friends were happy and fun. Your Mom could cure anything with a kiss, and your dad was the strongest guy in the world.

Growing up can be difficult. But it makes life a lot easier if you accept you have to do it - and buckle down to the job.

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It seems so strange the banks did not send in their own appraisers. And, having been bilked, never caught on, and never filed complaints. A real head scratcher.

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My husband a republican disguised as an independent but not a t***p supporter, says the judges fraud ruling will not stand because the banks knew they were being defrauded. I am pretty sure the banks did know but don't know if it matters. Wondering if anyone else has an opinion.

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Well, that was interesting. I just got a poll email for a local state (CA) race. They asked for issues (listed) I thought were important, then gave a brief profile of the 2 candidates, gave statements from each candidate and the like, and they threw in TFG and Biden as well. No hint of why they picked me. Of course the last bit was who would I vote for. The D all the way - and it wasn't just because of the D. The R was all no taxes, and her other positions were just a bit delusional, though not McCarthy delusional. Wonder if they'll send me another one. :-)

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I haven't read every comment here, so maybe someone has mentioned Wayne Barrett already. Either way, it bears repeating: no one has any excuse for pretending, let alone honestly believing, that Trump has ever been anything but a fraud: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/wayne-barrett-obituary-reporter-village-voice-trump-first-214669/. To Sarah's populist interlocutors who say that "they all do it": they don't. Please don't project your own pettiness outward. ⁰

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"We Democrats" are not pearl-clutching, bedwetting, or feeling agita about Biden's age or poll numbers. You, the media, the old-timers like Carville, and the anti-Trumpers are the ones freaking out. "We" the Democrats are used to the utter bullshit the media stirs up to get the clicks and the to need make drama at every opportunity.

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Good points, Julie. Look, I love the Bulwark, but one day we're told that we should be running around with our hair on fire and the next day that we're bed-wetting.

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The trouble is still what it has been from the very beginning, all those true believers who bought into the guy on The Apprentice, or who laugh at his audacity, those who came out from under their rocks to vote for the guy who disparaged the same people they privately disparage (namely various minorities). I was the Elections Administrator for my county during the 2016 primaries. I cannot even recount how many people who had never voted before came in to register and then to vote for Trump in the election. One man who was 84 years old and had never voted ever, sent his wife to vote in absentia for him because he was in the hospital days from dying but wanted to cast his one and only vote for Donald Trump. These people are all still out there and they are robbing the rest of us of the America we thought we knew and loved. I'm so tired of the few overwhelming the many.

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Well, I am agnostic. I go for the Golden rule of Confucius. Jesus to me was a good man who died 2000 ago. If he existed. One can be a good person without any Jesus. We have a brain, and we should use it. it is common sense. But I agree with you, they are power hungry and want to keep women "in their place".

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Jesus was real, he was real to Christians and to Muslims as well as a prophet and they also revere his mother. But even the Christians have split there is now the biblical Jesus that preached love and forgiveness and charity to your fellow man and the Republican Jesus that is apparently all about punishment, retribution and ill will to those not like you. Sorry I didn't learn about the Republican jesus and he is not the one I follow.

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One can't spell P.T. Barnum without t-r-u-m-p. Fortunately for the former guy, there is more than one sucker born every minute.

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Thank you for the Cheap Shot telling it how it is. Perhaps the media should be doing more interviews with those who will be affected than interviews with hopeless idiots in Congress.

I agree with Tim and Molly—where is the outrage over this horrible man? Frankly, I think there is plenty of evidence that he is losing whatever mind he had. He continues to make incredible factual gaffes. Does nobody notice? Is nobody checking transcripts of his speeches and reading his posts?

Hurray for soul-searching people like Cassidy Hutchinson who do the right thing Because it is the right thing. Great interview with Jake Tapper.

Finally: a person can be “hanged”, but a picture is “hung”.

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What? Me Fraud?

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

How could Mar-a-Lago only be worth $27 million? That doesn't seem right. Wikipedia says:

"In 2022, Forbes estimated the value of the estate at around $350 million. Forbes said that 'Real estate experts outside of Palm Beach guessed that the place was worth more than $200 million. Brokers on the island thought it could be worth far more, with the most aggressive estimate coming in at $725 million. When Forbes last valued the property in March, we went with a conservative $350 million.' In a 2022 lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James, it was alleged that Trump inflated the value of Mar-a-Lago to $739 million, when the property should actually be valued at $75 million."

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As they say in 'Fargo',"You got that right!,,"

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