What is it with the mentality that makes people think rich people can't be bought off because they're so rich? They're probably more easily bought off than anyone. The super rich always want more. Not to mention, how Trump became so rich in the first place, i.e. corruption and exploitation.

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What Trump lovers have failed to realize, beside reality, is that the stock market has hit a record under Biden, inflation is going down, gas prices are going down despite the fact that the war in Ukraine has caused a bump along with the usual Middle East issues, Biden got an infrastructure bill passed, a inlfation reduction bill passed, and the chips act passed, all something Trump never got done. Oh, and Biden also hasn't increased the deficit as much as Trump did. But hey, why bother these idiots with facts.

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Yang and Phillips can just go jump in a lake.

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I am a New Hampshire voter in Moultonborough (population about 5,000). Turnout here seemed very high. I had to wait in line for half an hour to get my ballot (a write in for Biden). I noticed that most of the undeclared people were asking for the Republican ballot.

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"I first chatted with Chris from Gilford, New Hampshire. A man in his fifties with a thick New England accent, Chris repeated many of the lines Trump says of himself, arguing that the former president is “the one that can fix it all” and can’t be bought off because he’s already so rich."


I'd love to be smoking some of whatever Chris has been smoking. The Marigold Malignancy is way better at breaking things than fixing them, in fact, I'd go so far as to say he's incapable of fixing anything. He'll only come up with a suggested fix that is directly to his benefit, the common man, like Chris, is less than a dog turd to be scraped off his shoe than an actual constituent. Chris, Big Jim, and the rest of the Goldenrod Grotesqueness' cultists are simply tools to be used and discarded when they no longer serve his purposes.

As for being so rich the Butterscotch Buffoon can't be bought off, well, obviously Chris has not been paying too much attention to the news. The Trump**^^^^ administration can be counted as the most corrupt in American history: Harding's Teapot Dome scandal is just a distant star compared to the brightness of the corruption shown by the Apricot Arthropod and his family. The Washington Post Office hotel lost money during his term in office, but had an income of ~$3.7 million from foreign *governments* for stays there; within just over two years after papa was sworn in as POTUS Ivanka had received 41 trademarks from the Chinese government; within months of no longer being an "advisor" Jared Kushner received $2 billion from MBS; DJTJ had his own side hustles working while daddy was POTUS. It looks like the only two who didn't come out smelling like a rose were Barron and Eric -- who doesn't seem to have the grift gene so prevalent in his family, or at least not as dominant as in the others. Besides: "Wealth is like sea water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


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<“I don't think any endorsement really matters.” (It’s worth noting that he said this while repeatedly telling the world he will vote for Trump when the time comes, even if he’s a convicted felon by then.)>

Pretty sure there’s no cult in history that’s had a leader based on voting. And, of course, Sununu quickly reinforces the idea of screw it all because nothing matters except party over country.

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Re: entering the facility with The People, I applaud you for being such a dangerous factor in news coverage, they dared not give you a press pass. Keep up the good work.

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Ackman seriously needs to F the F OFF. He has caused enough drama lately. Dude--do you not know when to STFU and go away and count your money? Phillips being his pet candidate is not a good look...neither is his echoing Republican/Fox talking points.

As for some of these quotes from New Hampshire voters...oy vey. I'm rolling my eyes and holding my tongue

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

Honestly so sick of hearing about Iowa and New Hampshire every 4 years. All states should have presidential primaries on the same day.

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Thanks yet again for a great article, Joe. It'll be interesting to see what the percentages are in the final tally.

Any state can pass whatever law it wants regarding its placement in the primaries, but it wouldn't be binding on other states, the national parties, or other state- or federal-level entities involved. Getting (and staying) butthurt because of this reality is very silly.

I thought Phillips had already burned up all his good will from other Ds, but it's looking like he wants to follow TFG's path to see just how low he can go.

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We'll see how the enthusiasm turns once the actual campaigns start. I've noticed a lot less flag waving here in my chunk of the deep red. The houses on my block that flew their cheap Trump flags until they were tatters replaced them with American flags for a couple of years, but now none of them are flying flags now.

I'd like to think years of having their buttons punched by the Fox panic machine has finally worn them down, and the other loud and proud types in the area that aren't waving it around at the moment, but it might just be wishful thinking on my part.

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"Iowa isn't real." Yeah, I know he meant a caucus isn't as official as a primary, but I just like saying Iowa isn't real. How do you feel about the low turnout, Mr. Trump? I'll bet he'd say Iowa isn't real.

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Nuanced views, high political acumen and Trump are a contradiction in terms.

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Thanks Joe. Interesting take on New Hampshire. I'll catch the results tomorrow.

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The problem with Iowa and New Hampshire always being up front wasn't that they were not "representative" in any essential or persistent way. No one or two states could be that, and it shouldn't be any subset of unelected citizens' job to represent the whole country, anyway.

No, the problem was that Iowa and New Hampshire were *always* up front. It would have been a problem with any other states being locked in, too. It should be a system of rotations or random draws.

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I truly hope that Chris guy is a tiny tiny minority. We cannot afford more Trump supporters after 2020.

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