Tim: for what it’s worth, KH’s friendship with Barack goes way back. Way back.

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I loved Mona's article on Walz. I thought she'd be the last one to talk so highly of Walz, given some of his progressive leanings, but I'm all here for it.

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Great podcast Tim. The michael Weiss’ portion was interesting. I just find people like michael mean well but have no idea how politics will and have affected Ukraine. Let’s just assume that Kamala wins and republicans take the senate (Tim’s take). Michael, the amount of money that is going to flow to Ukraine is going to between 1b-10b a year. I would say less than Israel which is less than 5b. Ukraine will have to make a deal and no, no one in the west is going to sign a security guarantee with Ukraine. It’s just not in the cards. Americans support Ukraine but they are not going to fight for them.

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Bill - you don't WIN the Medal of Honor.

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It was brutal to listen to what they’ve done to alanis’ beautiful song…… I’ll never be the same.

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Great guest! Hope you do have him back.

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There is also a very large South Asian population in NC

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Awesome update by Michael; please continue to have him on. You do such a great job of having interesting guests, Tim!

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Since the convention is about moving forward, I would have liked to see Whitmer, Shapito and other governors who comprise the future of the party. But as Bill said, it is more about how Kamala does in her speech and defining herself.

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Bill: "You know what's great about being a liberal these days? It's a free country. People can like whatever they want." My favorite comment on a Bulwark pod EVER!

Second fav - JVL last week: "I love watching bad things happen to bad people" (or something very close). LOVE 'em both!

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Here is a tell; when someone begins a conversation by saying this may sound racist, they are racist.

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Okay guys, mayonnaise is one of the great invention in civilization.

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Found the conversation with Michael Weiss really clarifying, there is so much information about the Ukraine war out there, for me, it can get a little bit overwhelming/confusing (esp with the election info overtaking everything) Please have Michael on again

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Yes, please have him on again.

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Being from the Midwest maybe Walz could get Kamala to try a lutefisk taco?

Hopefully Kamala can recommend some good places to have tacos in the SF Bay Area for him to try?

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Ya betch ya.

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Oh man, skip the tacos and go for Burritos. Chipotle’s “mission style burritos” exist because of SF’s Mission neighborhood :)

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SF native, I preferred El Faro's over La Taqueria. La Cumbre carne asada was really good but got really popular when Rolling Stone did a write up on them. I try to grab one of the three when I go back to visit, still good but not the same as when I lived there.

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I love that you are such a big fan of LSU, more than I am and I graduated from there, lol.

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