DeSantis has real issues to deal with? Hmm, like crime and infla.....oh yeah, like book banning and cancelling the LGBTQ+ community.

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One thing's for sure, Republican pols sure do know their base. They know they're angry, hateful, conspiratorial, and bigoted, which is why this "Soros-backed" charge reliably tickles their erogenous zones.

You know what you don't see? Dems constantly running ads against their "Koch-backed" Republican opponents. Because Democratic voters don't respond to it. Even if the Kochs were Jewish, it just wouldn't be a thing with Democrats.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

Most interesting is that [that man] hasn't attacked DeSantis's wife. Another great article, btw.

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The parade of powerful people onto various television fora, spouting versions of "this must be a political prosecution, laws like this one are only for prosecuting the little people."

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What precisely business is it of congress what a state DA does?

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DeSantis is going to get the same treatment as all the other Republican presidential candidates got in 2016. If DeSantis doesn't think he can handle the bullying and the attacks on him and his family, he should not get into the race. Trump's M.O. is to destroy every political opponent that stands in his way to becoming president again. Welcome to Trump World 2.0.

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Biden benefitted in a weird way from Covid. The MAGAt's had shiney new things to rile up over, Covid lockdowns and vaccines. They took their eye off Trump's prize.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023

Sounds like the little piggies are squealing because they might not be able to sponge off TFG for much longer. What has DJTJ ever accomplished in his life? Sad.

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My Lord the boy is as dumb as a box of rocks, what do you expect.

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Here’s a scary thought that just came to me: what if Trump is arrested the same day the judge in Amarillo outlaws mifepristone. Dueling angry protests? Buckle up; seismic times.

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New names are confusing. 😉

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"In the coming months, Congress—particularly House Republicans—will be in constant action to undermine, discredit, and disrupt these investigations and prosecutions."

I can't be the only Bulwark consumer who remembers the "Good Old Days" when people we elected to pass laws and help govern the country did just that rather than wasting their time and the taxpayer money they are suppose to be using for the Commonweal on patently partisan "witch hunts" (sarcastic irony intended)?

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Our county commissioners are somewhat unhappy with “our” representative at the moment- seems she doesn’t have time to deal with their repeated pleas for some some of that desperately needed infrastructure money she voted against. She is very busy defending some former guy, and looking into some laptop that is clearly a threat to national security. Oh, and a grandma soon- somehow that abstinence teaching didn’t stick with her kids, but the pedo dad definitely taught the boys well. Busy times for R reps, yes?

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Your cryptic clues suggest to me that you wish that the ballot counters had truly counted about 600 more votes....

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Trump's Kevin descends to unprecedented new levels of pathetic. Speaker of the House is just a day job.

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"Gig" vice "job", since job implies doing that for which you were paid.

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I have never figured out why, Cohen had to pay the money from his own funds, Which left him open to the illegal campaign contribution. If t**** had simply paid out of his pocket and reported it as a campaign contribution, it would not have come out before the election. The irony here is that the evangelical men at least found this "exciting" that t**** had slept with a porn star.. This per Ralph Reed I believe the head of "focus on the family".

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I am so weary of all these loud mouthed Putinistas ruining the entire planet.

This war in Ukraine is helping speed up climate catastrophe... and we're all arguing about politics, when our children are going to die from poison water and toxic air (unless an AR at school kills them first); tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, and no food. Is America irredeemably broken? Trying hard to be optimistic, but between the Republican clown show and the evil zealots on the scotus.... Idk.

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Yes. Nasty politics is almost a diversion from reality and truth. I get sucked in, thinking it matters.

When I was first learning about Easter Island decades ago, I wondered how they could have not noticed that they were destroying their limited environment. Now I know. In a word, infighting.

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According to Philip Bump in yesterday's WaPo (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/20/trump-soros-desantis-bragg/ ),

"One of the useful characteristics of the term [Soros-backed], certainly, is its vagueness. That suffix “-backed” can mean all sorts of things. It can mean, for example, that Soros gave money to a group that then backed a candidate who then won — as it does in the case of Bragg.

"In mid-May 2021, as Bragg was jockeying for the Democratic Party’s nomination for New York County, N.Y., district attorney, a nomination that all but guaranteed election in the general, Soros contributed $1 million to the political arm of a group called Color of Change. Over the course of the next two weeks, the group ran an independent expenditure campaign including pieces of mail, text messages and encouragements to vote by mail. Most of that effort was earmarked for Bragg in campaign filings. Color of Change had announced its plans to spend $1 million on the race shortly before Soros’s contribution, but reportedly ended up spending only half that amount.

"In the abstract, that’s pretty clear: Soros gave to Color of Change, who spent on Bragg. But of course, a lot of people made contributions to his campaign; he raised more than $2 million in direct contributions. It’s also not clear how much effect spending had. Bragg won the nomination by a bit more than 3 points over Tali Farhadian Weinstein, who gave herself $8.2 million in the last few weeks of the campaign, part of nearly $13 million she spent in total — more than all of the other candidates combined. And she came in second."

The DA of NY County has been held by a Democrat for decades. So the "Soros-backing," was for a primary contest in which the next leading candidate was also reasonably progressive (e.g., she's a frequent legal commentator on MSNBC) whose self-funding, according to Bump, significantly exceeded Soros' contribution to Color of Change. So the argument that Soros' indirect support was somehow decisive in that primary seems rather tenuous. As Joe and Bump point out, "Soros-backed" is mostly just a right wing, antisemitic code phrase for "cosmopolitan Jewish financier." That is, "Soros-backed" is just chum for Trump's myriad remoras.

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"Matt Gaetz said the expected indictment is an 'absurd abuse of the criminal process in our politics.'"

What else would we expect from GOP politicians who think they are all above the law? The law only applies to Democrats, and in some cases, ie: "Lock Her Up" - they suspend any Rule of Law whenever they want to.

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Trump v. DeSantis = Deranged v. Authoritarian. Neither has much to offer.

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True! And I’m enjoying the mutual self destruction of these GOP “titans”! It couldn’t be more satisfying.

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Re: Trump v. DeSantis = Deranged v. Authoritarian...

It's Tomayto v. Tomahto.....

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