It will b pretty much a "shit show" exception Chris Christie, maybe Asa🤷🏼‍♀️

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I finally remembered where I had seen Vivek before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3zbjHxVVxM

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Charlie, I love you the most, but please don’t say, “[W]e are not a democracy.” That’s inaccurate. A republic is a democracy (government by the people). It an indirect democracy. We vote for representatives who make laws on our behalf, rather than voting directly on laws. That’s the distinction m. But please don’t adopt the Mike Lee gaslighting posture that, because we are a republic, the will of the majority doesn’t matter. The Madisonian model is “majority rule, minority rights.” But the people remain sovereign.

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"Getting straight, defining answers will be a challenge."

Uh, walking from NYC to DC is a challenge. Getting straight defining answers is more like walking from NYC to Mars.

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I haven't watched a debate since 1988 when Bush 41 said "read my lips: no new taxes" and I immediately thought "yeah, he'll just raise the old ones" - which he did. But this morning I read enough analyses of last night's train wreck that completely validated my decision to vote for Hutchinson. Unless he drops out by the primary, in which case I'll vote for Christie. None of the others, especially the coward who chickened out if it, would ever get my vote.

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Somebody at Fox reads your work Charlie Sykes. Well done

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They took your advice, Charlie! Nice.

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The debate proved conclusively that having a "show of hands" wouldn't work - because none of these guys can shut up.

Their idea of debate is to keep yap, yap, yapping so that no one else gets heard - and they don't either. They seem to have the idea that it's not WHAT you say that matters - just how loud and how often. As long as you don't criticise The Fuehrer of course.

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In your discussion with Ben Wittes you made a point regarding the acknowledgment that an “insurrection” actually took place on1/6/21. I asked Dan Abrams about it but did not get an answer but someone is moving along those lines.


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Looks like the moderators read your column, although DeSantis has done his best to avoid answering and trying to prevent others from doing so.

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Re Sagan’s quote . Thanks so much for posting. - it’s stunningly on point for 2023. This illness that befalls a minority portion of Americans - for those prescient enough to see it - has been building since 1995. Actually, since Neil Postman called it in the 80s - we are entertaining ourselves to death.

Love these completely insightful phrases: “what feels good and what’s true”, “pseudoscience & superstition” and “a celebration of ignorance”. That is NOT our founding/Constitution!

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

Again, glad to see the Bulwark and its writers, along with the Lincoln Project, pushing back on Ramaswamy and the right wing's clownish treatment of the 9/11 attacks. Show of hands as to how many journalists will be willing to sit down with the 9/11 families whose activism forced the creation of the 9/11 Commission and have a substantive conversation with them about forensic evidence they've long possessed shedding light on the deaths of their loved ones. Bob and Helen McIlvaine, Matt Campbell and those featured in the 2021 William Hurt produced documentary The Unspeakable can speak eloquently on the topic, as can Kristin Breitweiser, Mindy Kleinberg, Lori Van Auken, Patricia Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Manny Badillo and many others.

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Thanks for the brilliantly prescient piece by Sagan. I love the question and answer format. I fear, however, that politicians may be genetically predisposed to waffling and are unable to give short or decisive answers. They should also be asked if they would like to live in an existing authoritarian state. Then they could be asked in a follow up which country they prefer and why. Then they could be asked to compare said country to what the US will look like when Trump tears down the institutions that support our democracy.

I really am amazed that House Republicans fail to see where military lack of preparedness and backing away from Ukraine will get us should Trump (or Ramaswamy) win the election. Putin will go wild eating up Europe. He is already threatening Poland and the Baltics with his new troop arrangements. And he has once again signaled how tough he is by (presumably) offing Prigozhin. (My guess is the Wagner troops will not voluntarily to the Kremlin line. But a lot of them were posted to Africa, so perhaps they are no longer a threat.)

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

I was glad to see today that the Lincoln Project is pushing back on Ramaswamy's vague contention that the 9/11 attacks were a "false flag", a term thrown about so often on social media by civilians and journalists alike that it's lost any clear meaning. Just to clarify, the 9/11 families whose activism forced the creation of the 9/11 Commission generally don't use the term "false flag" but instead draw attention to the obvious and long ago proved presence of explosives in the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7. Censoring the 9/11 families, while expedient for American television and those in power, was always a shortsighted strategy. It poisoned American journalism, and the ensuing epidemic of disinformation eventually created Trumpism and the very real rise of American fascism. The 9/11 families know this issue better than anyone else, and it's a skittish and selfish national ego that prevents Americans from listening to them.

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By a show of hands, will you swear or promise on your mother's grave to support DJT if he is the candidate of the Republican party in 2024?

Regardless of whom you support for President, by a show of hands, will you swear of promise on your mother's grave that you will vote for DJT if he is the candidate of the Republican Party in 2024?

By a show of hands, do you promise you would honestly try to visit DJT in prison even if he is not elected President?

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Tom Burst is right, but, sec XIV.3 applies to insurrection. I don’t see 50 states pulling that veil over the other candidates. That said, the chaos we are about to see between now and November’24 is destructive on so many levels. I was on active duty for 23 years and I know the oath of office. That is to say it ought always be taken seriously. I can even extrapolate that Trump will lose and then say the election was rigged again. This is the nightmare he has fomented.

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