Is Fabritzio a secret agent of the Resistance? Seems awfully short-sighted to encourage republicans to sleep on this issue.

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> We trusted Trump

Well there’s your problem

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Interesting that someone named Herrod would be interested in saving babies.

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This kind of thing happening in a swing state makes me happy. It should help Biden and down ballot Democrats.

"Everything that Trump touches dies" Rick Wilson

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sigh, the legislature chickened out again and decided they didn't want to discuss this.

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I had to re-read this three times to make sure it said what I thought it did: "A handful of Republican legislators in swing districts also called for the law to be repealed, including state Sen. Shawnna Bolick, whose husband, Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick, voted to reinstate the pre-statehood abortion ban."

Talk about dysfunction!!! I can only imagine what kind of marriage that is.

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VP Harris said last Friday

"Trump did this"

That seems to be a good Lincoln Project.

There are plenty of bits that can be strung together with "Trumo did this".

For starters



Covid denial

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The Democrats would do better to campaign around the issue of "bodily autonomy" which would, I believe, attract a much broader spectrum of support than just abortion. Given the extreme positions of some pro-life Republicans, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to envision bans of vasectomies. Broaden the coalition and put the issue out of reach.

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With these draconian abortion laws, when someone graduates from medical school, why would they select obstetrics and gynaecology as their speciality? Why would one select this area of medicine, if they face the possibility of prison. Could easily create a lack of doctors, affecting all women, not just those who need an abortion.

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Let’s face it, women have become, or have been made into a political issue by trump and men who are afraid of women generally. Republicans and religious sectors of our society have always gone after women as second class citizens and even reduced to slavery regardless of color. The real issue are white men, not all of them but enough of them that we find ourselves in republicans and religious groups wanting to control women and their vaginas. And still moronic women and men vote and support maga. Let’s face it, mentally America has some big issues with stupid people.

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Hell hath no fury like tens of millions of pissed off women.

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This was a very interesting read. The AZ Republican party is in a pickle of their own making. Do they support this completely out of touch ban knowing a significant chunk of their own base is against it, or do they piss off the rabid prolifers? Either way they lose and Dems and women win.

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Having just re-read the Roe v Wade decision, now rejected by a right wing Catholic Supreme Court, it still seems to me to be the best reasoned treatment of defining a point at which the state acquires an interest protecting the life of the fetus. For the most part, over decades, Roe v Wade worked. Rather than arguing over some arbitrary cut off, such as 16 weeks, as though the moral continuum offers clear moral choices at every point, why not just argue that we should return to Roe v Wade?

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This is a very good piece. The Bulwark continues to impress.

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"or their career is going to wind up in the trunk of a car." Such an interesting turn of phrase. Mob imagery down to the state level. Yep, they know Trump alright.

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I will never fully understand how a medical issue became a political issue. I mean, I understand, I am not an idiot, but the fact that women's healthcare is debateable among a group of people that barely understand the female anatomy let alone the vast number of things that can go wrong in utero is proof of just how damn gullible the vast majority of the electorate is. Can we discuss erectile dysfunction? Can we put access to "the little blue pill" on the ballot? Can we start talking about the little spermatazoa that go by the wayside as "a tragedy"?

It has ALWAYS been about political power and controllingh women. Man I hope they get crushed in November!

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