"Trump has already told us repeatedly what he plans to do, the authors write, but this time, he has the backing of 'groups working to support those promises in preparation for a second Trump term'.”

He has always had them. Over 70 million of them in various capacities. The difference is that the few who bravely and patriotically tried to control them (& him) were outnumbered from the beginning, and one by one, resigned, were fired or voted out.

“'Time and again,' they write, “predictions that Trump was not serious have proved disastrously incorrect."

Except that they mostly DID predict that he was serious. Even before he took office there was already decades of evidence that the spiteful, spoiled brat did not care about his country, or anything but his own instant gratification. What they - and I - failed to predict, is how, even after the 1/6 insurrection, so many enablers and protectors, by then nearly every GOP politician included, were every bit as serious, willing to do all the heavy lifting, and even "take bullets," for the most fragile egomaniac on the planet.

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Re the painfully prolonged fat Elvis metaphor (which you did not participate in) on Morning Joe this a.m., could you hear me screaming, "Make it STOP!" from Kentucky?

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Frankly ASTONISHED not to see speculation that Trump and his merry band assembling at Heritage would go after Federal Judges, since he's already doing it right now. Just for one example, he's praying that SCOTUS "will have the courage" to do the right thing on immunity and section 3, just as he prayed Mike Pence would "have the courage " on Jan. 6. How'd that turn out?

Think of Chutkan, who can now rely on capable and committed protection by US Marshals, FBI, and DHS. If he's reelected, Trump will control them all. So, there will not be the option to enforce rights in court if Trump comes after you.

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21 Jan 24

Right wing attacks on public education began in California under Gov. Reagan. He ended tuition-free college education for California residents. Critics at the time wrote the Governor thought the 60’s youth rebellion against Vietnam War was caused by students educated at California’s community colleges and universities.

Later, California’s Proposition 13 passed, and property tax revenues dedicated to fund schools, colleges and universities was forever “capped”.

In 1980, New Mexico’s right wing state lawmakers successfully passed legislation which repealed a law which invested property tax revenues in the state’s public schools, colleges and universities.


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Jamie the Collaborationist.

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Beginning of the year. Saying that the authoritarian scare mongers were blowing things out of proportion and that we already had an authoritarian in the White House right now.

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I'm still puzzled as to why handling Trump in court is viewed as some sort of challenge.

Just ignoring his miscoduct in Court, emboldens him and erodes the legitimacy and respect for the court.

Fining him is useless, because it's not his money. He'll get the money from fundraising.

But Trump is fundamentally a coward who would immediately crumble in custody.

Simple enough. Warn Trump that his outbusts will result in him spending a night in jail for contempt of court. Give him a second warning. Heck give him a third.

After that, just get the cuffs on him and take him to jail for the night.

Next day, two warnings, 2 days in jail.

Next day, one warning, 4 days in jail.

Next day, no warning, 8 days in jail.

After that, just keep doubling the jail time.

No appeals court would criticise that conduct on the part of the trial judge, and let's face it, Trump is such a little baby he'd stay quiet after his first stint in jail.

Fuck the political implications. One crucial aspect to the rule of law, is that while court proceedings are ongoing, the authority of the Court must be respected by all parties. Period.

The fact that Trump is getting treated with kid gloves while he blatantly disrespects the court process is already a failure to uphold the rule of law.

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I noticed that advisors for Protect Democracy includes Professor Timothy Snyder, an Eastern European Historian. Snyder has been warning about the threats to our democratic republic since 2016. Have you ever heard of “On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century”?

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Turn off the tv. Read.

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George Orwell got almost everything right; with the exception of this: he believed the government would have to force people to leave on the tele screens. Not even Orwell could conceive of a population that would voluntarily choose to be glued to the screens 24/7. As someone has pointed out, social media is the largest social experiment ever carried out; it is succeeding, and we are failing.

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Not a constitutional scholar, but isn't there a much easier way for Trump to stay in office beyond 2028 without DOJ intervention etc? 22nd amendment reads "No person shall be *elected* to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be *elected* to the office of the President more than once." It seems like there would be a plausible scenario where, say, Don Jr runs in 2028 with Dad as his VP, and then resigns the day after the inauguration?

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After reading through some of the playbook references above, and sleeping on it. My brain came up with one conclusion. So now I ask if what it came up with is true. Are we at war? Is this effectively the second us civil war? Are the organizations and people referenced in the playbook making war?

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Hyperbole again. Trump is easily the worst human to occupy the White House in my lifetime (going back to Nixon). But let's compare this modern, petty despot with some of the other "gems" that have occupied the office. Three come to mind.

Wilson was an avowed and overt racist who rolled back years of progress African Americans had made thru government programs and employment. He reinstated segregation throughout the Federal government and Washington DC.

Polk invaded a foreign country on a pretext in order to make more land available for the expansion of slavery. Polk himself was a slave owner. At least Bush II nominally "claimed" to be spreading democracy.

And of course there is Jackson. He also invaded (directly) foreign territory on pretext, and through battle tactics killed hundreds of women and children. Later, he committed genocide, killing thousands (indirectly) through his policies. Both for the benefit of existing slave owners (to remove a haven for the runaway enslaved) and later to open more land for the expansion of slavery. In addition, he was a slave owner.

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Jamie Dimon proves once again that no amount of money can buy brains or a soul.

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Charlie, I simply cannot cut George Will any slack or give his his 'moment.' He has been a stalwart pillar of sanity and genuine traditional conservatism. For him to jump the shark that badly is simply unacceptable. Does he not understand how dangerous Orange Jesus is? Or, are we expecting to see George in a MAGA hat shortly? It's all just so freaking sad. There's a reason we have an 'establishment.' The establishment holds the walls together when the earth starts shaking.

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As a nurse, I say keep pushing all of Trump’s buttons. His facial skin looks strange, he is not capable of speaking English, his garbled language isn’t even word salad. Trump is decompensating. Push him over the cliff and let his show his true mentally ill self. I think he is close to a breakdown, which would be wonderful....

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