I was around as an adult for the last inflationary spiral. This one was mercifully short. The target of 2% is an ideal but historically it never happened. That is, we never really had stable inflation that low. So to say that inflaction was hot... begs the question, what is your base line. I say this as someone who was in financial services till retirement and even had 2 investment licenses.

I understand the pols just want to score points. But an intelligent headline would be that the Feds are still unable to get us to their goal.

It is a laudible goal. But a recovery without a recession is a miracle. To have done that and face screaming headlines as if we have a major failure is galling.

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"Women must be Punished"- Trump.

"I alone killed off Roe V Wade" Trump.

Shout it from the mountain tops. It's not just suburban women. It's their daughter's, their granddaughters, . Women should have essential rights and the GOP doesn't want them to have them. Contraception is next, believe me.

The current GOP claims to love these babies, until they are born of course and then, the GOP would like to under nourish them, deprive them of health care, shelter and education. If they're black, they shouldn't have the right to vote.

All part of that big tent.

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RE: Abortion in Arizona, Texas, et al...

My wife says, "I'm a resident of a state, but a citizen of the United States. And as a US citizen, I have less rights in some states than in others. To me, this is the same reason slavery couldn't be left to the states. When it comes to certain, basic, individual rights, the federal government must ensure that we have equal rights, and protection of those rights, throughout the country."

I'm not as sophisticated as she, so I'm more, "Do you really want to live in a world (state!) where Crooked Ken Paxton climbs off his mistress long enough to stick his nose in your most personal, vulnerable moments in life and make grandstanding, uninformed, life threatening, medical decisions for you...because...Bible!?"

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Another demerit for the AZ GOP that I just learned: Gov. Ducey actually packed the state Supreme Court, adding 2 justices. Where is the outrage?!

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I'm kind of surprised that there is no mention of MTG's latest round of antics in ratcheting up the House speakership crisis another notch or two. Then again maybe it has become so routine and so predictable that it no longer bears scrutiny until some actual consequence occurs.

That said, it seems fair to ask anew what business the GOP majority is getting done in this Congress. So I'm asking. And waiting for an answer. And still waiting. It also seems fair to wonder out loud why that is acceptable to so many people on the right, who in years past insisted on action toward our collective benefit and that represents at least some measurable outlay of achievement in exchange for the taxpayer-funded salary, pension funds, and benefits that they receive. Score another one for tribalism: apparently it's okay within the GOP to waste our money doing nothing but pursuing petty grievances and spite, at our expense, as long as they aren't Democrats doing it and block whatever initiatives said Democrats would pursue instead. Ask yourself how long you would have a job if you tried the same thing at your place of employment.

To the extent that winning vital seats in the House and the Senate is a priority for the Democrats, it might be about time that they make this a part of their campaign agenda and not expect us to read between the lines or figure it out for ourselves. It's okay to talk about a do-nothing Congress while playing up the accomplishments of the current administration, largely without their support.

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'The Arizona Freedom Caucus was thrilled: “Murdering children is not a policy disagreement. Democrat politicians’ infatuation with murdering children is evil.”'

How do these people get away with saying such incendiary nonsense? This is slanderous hysteria.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

It's my understanding that in passing the 15-week limit, Republican legislators and the then-GOP governor of AZ inserted a provision specifically allowing previous state laws to kick in should Roe be overturned. So this was the outcome they wanted, and now they have it.

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"state senator Anthony Kern, now running in a Republican primary for an open congressional seat, not only supported the court decision but ended his statement with the exhortation: “Make America Pray Again!” He said "Make" which, in this case, would imply coercion or force. I think we should never forget that Republicans want a theocracy built around their particular beliefs and never mind the 1st Amendment. Being anti-abortion is only the first step.

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The idea that one sad old man sitting in a gilded pile in Florida can tank any piece of legislation he wants with just a phone call or a twoot ... it's mind blowing, even by today's standards.

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Republicans never actually spell out when America was last "great," but it's starting to look like they mean the 1860s.

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Irony is dead, but stupidity is eternal. From the AP this morning: "[AZ] Republican state Rep. Teresa Martinez, of Casa Grande, said there was no reason to rush the debate. She accused Democrats of “screaming at us and engaging in extremist and insurrectionist behavior on the House floor.”"

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Abortion is the gift that keeps on giving to democrats, while the GQP has truly shown its parochial and Handmaid’s tale solution: Destroy all women’s reproductive rights by whatever means possible.

These keystone cops can’t even agree on any unifying talking points anymore. First it was state rights. Now they want a national ban on abortion, and believe the Comstock Act gives them the right to do so.

Yup, this is how the GQP expects to govern; not through harmony and a united front, but fighting the war from within. This is four decades in the making.

Regan welcomed the fanatics into the party and now they have infiltrated every aspect of party. From judicial picks, to extreme gerrymandering that only allows the most corrupt and extreme to win primaries.

God help us of Trump wins; the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 will become the guiding light of the MAGA agenda, and all hope of avoiding a fascist, Christian Nationalist State, will be crushed!

Good times!…:)

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The choice is between living in 1864 with MAGA Republicans or 2024 with enlightened humans.

Actually, they’d like to turn back the clock another year or so to pre-Emancipation Proclamation days.

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I'm old enough to remember that Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater - Called "Mr. Conservative" at one time- was Pro Choice! And his wife Peggy Goldwater helped found an Arizona chapter of Planned Parenthood. Goldwater was also supportive of gays in the military.

This just goes to show you how conservatism has changed over the years & become more in league with the Evangelicals, far right politicians & the conspiracy wing of the party.

Here's a quote from Barry Goldwater on abortion: " A woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or the Religious Right."

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Re: AZ Republicans. I am not sure why William Kristol is surprised. To my thinking, this is the logical, inevitable result of the last 50 years of Republican machinations.

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The most import things in MAGA lives are fetuses and guns. They rely on both to control what they fear the most : women.

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