I wasn't planning to pay attention to the eclipse but was in southern AZ at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument where the kind folks were handing out free eclipse glasses. So I looked and it was pretty cool, sort of like the Apple logo if the apple was round. Then it went totally black and 5000 foreigners ran by. KIDDING.

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You can count the days that Lindsay Graham will go to Trump and ask “sir, sir can I please stick my head up your ass again?”

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You think it'll be more than one?

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This is an area where Trump is unbelievably consistent: in the end he turns on everyone.

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If only someone had warned Lindsey Graham!

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'Given his draconian comment, sending women back to back alleys, I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

“Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”'

Such an interesting response! It's amazing that someone who lies reflexively just cannot muster the ability to lie in response to that question with a simple "No." Because his desire to be on the right side of evangelicals is less than his desire to appear to be an irresistible playboy throwing his dick around. He probably has been party to an abortion, but even if he hadn't, he still would want people to think that maybe he had been, even at the risk of pissing off his evangelical base. (It doesn't hurt that he could have paid for a dozen abortions in the third trimester and they'd still forgive him, saying he's a different man today)

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He's likely to have just lost count.

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He'll never get punished for anything he does. The law doesn't apply to him. If it did, he'd be in jail now. But his brainwashed followers keep paying his high priced lawyers to delay, delay, delay until he can pardon himself. Which he can't do, but he will, and everyone will look confused and do nothing and LET HIM GET AWAY WITH ANOTHER THING NO ONE ELSE COULD GET AWAY WITH. sorry for yelling. But I'm furious.

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You can be a Trump slavish bootlicker for years, but deviate one iota from any of Trump’s firmly held (yuck, yuck) beliefs, and you fall from favor faster than Trump Media stock’s dropping.

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Thanks for the heads-up on Will Saletan's Webby nomination. When I voted (3:45 ET, 4/9), he was far ahead, with 68% of the vote. Congratulations to Will!

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Will had 81% when i voted. He should have claimed right then he had won. Rigged! Stolen! The worst election fraud in the history of the country, maybe the world!

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Oh, the humanity!

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A few comments...

1) “Trump’s position on abortion is like his positions on most things: entirely variable and dependent in any given moment on his mood, his short-term desires, or who is courting him” – this is all true, but you forgot the most important one. From everything that I have read, Trump’s position on any issue is almost always determined by whoever talked to him last. There are lots of stories about how Trump’s advisors would try to manipulate his schedule so that they would be the last ones to talk to him before some decision was to be made.

2) I remember the Chris Matthews interview. And I also remember the damage control being done the next day after Trump said that women should be punished if they had an abortion and abortion was illegal. First he said that he didn’t understand the question (The question was literally “do you believe in punishment for abortion, as a principle” to which Trump replied “there has to be some form of punishment”. Matthews then added “for the woman” to which Trump replied “yes, there has to be some form”. The question is clearly straightforward. If Trump didn’t understand it, he’s simply not conversant in English.). Then his campaign put out a statement that Trump didn’t believe in punishing women who had an abortion and that his position on that hadn’t changed. I remember thinking at the time that his position had changed just from last night.

3) Viewing a total solar eclipse is definitely worth it. But it has to be total. I’ve been in a 95% total eclipse, and it wasn’t all that different from a cloudy day. But when it’s total, it’s a “yuge” difference. I thought it was really cool.

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There was another interview with a woman reporter (I can't recall who) where he explicitly stated women and doctors should be punished but not men.

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I think the reason that the Matthews interview stuck with me is that it was the first time that I realized that Trump would just say anything and then either he or his supporters would claim that he didn't say it. No attempt to spin something. Trump would say "black" and later the response would be "he didn't say black". Or the response would be "he really said white". That was perhaps my first indication of the disdain that Trump had for his supporters. He knew that he could contradict himself within 24 hours and he knew his base wouldn't care.

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I had the same basic thought when I watched that other interview. It was apparent to me that he had no actual opinion on the subject. I got the impression that he was giving answers that he thought people wanted to hear. The pushback from the interviewer was quite light and he stumbled, trying to right his answer. There was always someone to say what Trump really meant, meaning that they chose to not actually hear and understand what he was saying and to be willingly blind to him and his faults.

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I’m sure there are many times that Trump says stuff that he thinks people want to hear (I think that he has barely mentioned the COVID vaccine since he got booed when he mentioned it at a rally last year). But I also think that Trump just says stuff. Because unlike most politicians, he doesn’t prepare for interviews or press conferences (or doesn’t prepare very well). And that’s because preparation requires work (and, heaven forbid, reading something). So a lot of what he says is basically off the cuff. Just remember how almost incoherent his musings were when he was running the daily COVID briefings (and not just the “injecting bleach” comment – there were lots of examples where his answers were practically indecipherable). Because he reportedly rarely went to the COVID task force meetings beforehand so he didn’t have the necessary background information. Besides, he knows it doesn’t matter what he says – his base isn’t going to evaluate his statements logically. They are going to evaluate them based on how they make them feel. So as long as he attacks “those” that they also don’t like, that’s good enough. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense or if it’s consistent with his past statements.

He is insulting their intelligence – and they love him for it.

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Very much agree with this.

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I'd wager my entire IRA that Trump HAS not only been involved with someone who's had an abortion, he has paid for them, yes, them, as in plural abortions. This was a guy whose "personal Vietnam," by his own admission, was avoiding STD's in the Big Apple's roaring party circuit, and was too proud to "don" a condom.

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Good piece!! Frankly, who cares if Trump and Graham are having a “lovers” spat. They deserve each other. Neither has any cred on anything. Their positions on anything shift with the prevailing wind.

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Always here for Bernie puns. I still have my "Bernie Beats Trump" magnet on my fridge, might even be cremated with it lol.

I feel like abortion is the "safe" issue for Gollum and his precious to disagree on because neither of them actually give a flying fork about it. Trump's paid for them, and if Lady G even just glanced at a real lady's bits he'd pass out.

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"Trump’s only clear admission in the statement was that he is “proudly the person responsible” for getting “abortion where everybody wanted it, from a legal standpoint” by appointing the judges who overturned Roe v. Wade."

As usual, Trump [sic] can only talk in superlatives like his perfect or beautiful _____ (fill in the blank). As a point in fact, I know very few people -- actually no one -- who wanted the overturning of Roe so we could return to the glory days of back-alley coat-hanger abortions. From a legal standpoint, the conservative majority on the SCOTUS basically ruined the chances of many in the New GOP to get elected; abortion was, is, and likely will continue to be the third rail in politics. The Dems are well aware of this and will hang an albatross around the necks of any Repub candidates who don't refute, in no uncertain terms, this draconian desire of the WORMs (White Old Republican Men) to dictate a woman's right to bodily autonomy.


Trump [sic]

"I blame myself for Lindsey Graham, because the only reason he won in the great state of South Carolina is because I endorsed him."

Wow, that's pretty impressive. TFG returned to the past, still wearing the POTUS mantel, back to 2002, 2008 and 2014 to endorse Graham. Obviously, despite the fact that Trump**^^^^ wasn't even a sick thought in the GOP's collective mind, his way past election date endorsements were necessary for Graham to win his first three elections to the Senate. I'm kind of surprised that Trump [sic] didn't claim responsibility for Graham's elections to the House of Representatives between 1994 and his election to the Senate, too.


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Trump and a clear answer on anything is a contradiction in terms.

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I think it was the word "principle" that Chris Matthew's used that caused trump not to understand the question regarding women being punished. 😵‍💫🤪

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You can pretty much book it that Lindsey took the first flight out of DC to Florida to plead forgiveness to Trumpster,(before Trump's third post on truth social)

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How interesting that Trump thinks women should be punished for getting abortions, but not men. I would like to know what his reasoning is. I think I know, but I would still like that question asked.

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Must have been reading his bible on adultery. Women get stoned, men do the stoning.

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Silly rabbit: women are property, not men. ;/

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I'm sure Lindsey will cry out "Enough is enough! Count me out!" and then kiss Trump's ass once again like the weak willed, spineless sycophant he is. Just a matter of time. Who knew that Trump would turn on his number one ass kisser? Right!

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"Another one bites the dust" or in Lindsey's case another one under the bus.

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Anybody that thinks t***p wont sign anything a republican congress puts on his desk when it comes to abortion is a fool. He simply does not care one way or the other, if it is 23 weeks(viability when another human is involved) or conception with the death penalty for any woman having an abortion, he will sign it. If you think women should have rights if you think doctors not politicians should make decisions you have only one choice, democrats top to bottom of the ballot.

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