What the stupid, evil, and ignorant MAGATS are incapable of conceptualizing is how their god has began burning down the Republican Party. tRump will die, politically and in fact. And with him gone, so to will go the whole conservative project. It'll turn to become full fascist, and then die too. The sooner the better, in both cases. Pre-tRump Republicans will no longer have a home.

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The fact that running for presidency is going to cost like 2b dollars to move the votes of a few hundred thousand voters is staggering

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Such a con man! This means down ballot races will likely be underfunded. If it's mostly small dollar donors, the won't have the desire or extra dollars to spend on others. Trump is so very, very bad for the party.

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You forget. He also has the Russians.

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I am happy to see the Barbour clan is trying to move on from Trump. Interesting.

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Everything with Trump lacks coherence. Remember when his selling point was his self funding which made him beholden to no one. Now he is dialing for dollars. That is another campaign ad that has not been made yet.

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Good information, without the "red meat", that is more my style. I don't need my blood pressure raised, my medical bills are bad enough as it is.


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Let the MAGA brainwashed fools drain their bank accounts, paying the orange criminal's bills while he's laughing in their stupid faces. And to think that they also continue to reproduce...😡

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It would be interesting to see the accounting at Mar-a-Largo. Is his campaign paying for the events at the hotel or is he paying personally or is Mar-a-Largo making illegal donations? Given his accomplished reputation as a grifter, it would be interesting to check to campaign reports and then go further.

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t***p wont have to spend all that much on tv and print advertising, the MSM and FOX are taking care of that for him, just as they did in 2016 and 2020. From the substack by Cree Hardegree found at hardegree@substack.com.

"Democrats never get very far ahead of Republicans because of this “punishing Democrats” mentality that has pervaded the ranks of Democratic voters for years.

If you do it this time…..

…it will be the last time."

Cree is a GA lawyer who posts in clear, concise and easy to understand language about t***p's ongoing court cases. This one is an essay on the government and the presidency and the mechanics of how it works and is definitely a read worth your time.

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Trump's legal problems have nothing to do with every-day republicans. If the RNC pays his legal bills, I'll never donate another penny to them.

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So attaining the presidency is his magic super weapon. I wonder has he considered this aspect:: cyanide/pistol or pistol/cyanide? Decision, decisions.. And then there's the petrol (aka gas) cans....

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I don't know why the media is hesitant to admit that the ONLY rationale for Trump's candidacy is to to avoid going to prison. All the rest is pretense. He doesn't want to be the leader of the free world, to be commander in chief, or anything else that comes with being POTUS. He just wants to keep his own ass out of jail.

This is his only chance to subvert the judicial system and save himself and he knows that. He knows that even his appointees on the Supreme Court will not come to his rescue and only Thomas and Alito will reliably bend the law to his benefit. Executive power, control over the Department of Justice, and the pardon power are his only hope.

I suspect that nothing will prevent him from accessing the RNC treasury once he is truly the presumptive nominee. Even if his demands for money reduce available cash for down ballot Republican candidates.

As I understand it the Koch family is largely funding Haley's continuing campaign. I am thinking that they (and other big dollar donors) are probably going to fund other Republican candidates for Senate and the House because, in the end, they will get more bang for their bucks with a Congressional GOP majority than they will get with Trump in the White House. Even if Biden remains President.

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This still doesn't address the biggest problem this creates for the RNC. The, "all-in for Trump" strategy dries up the pool that's been used in every previous election to win other races. The RNC has tapped several Senate races, for example, as "must-win." But if Trump is dumping all the RNC's money into his own campaign and legal defense, then "must-win" becomes the same thing as, "thoughts and prayers."

In short, Trump's impending takeover of the RNC is disastrous for the GOP.

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When we step back. All this money just highlights our decadence. High priced coffee is one thing. But spending more on a campaign then half the world's GDP is stark (a good portion that goes to pay a criminals bills for gaming the very system a flag is flown for is painful to watch).

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I heard a guy interviewed at CPAC that had spent thousands of dollars on stupid Trump crap, like "Trump debit cards" pre-loaded with $200K. Turns out they're wroth nothing and now his family won't talk to him.

And you won't be surprised they're a scam.


Everything Trump touches....

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