“God gave Noah the rainbow sign,

No more water but Trump next time.”

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Donald Trump's $60.00 bible sales represents to me, not something unfunny to say about the man, but a perfect opportunity for most all the so-called competent main stream TV media to directly challenge the former guy, if possible for quoting a minimum one bible passage and the location, - so that his guarenteed non-answer can be tied to and publicly shown the hypocrisy of his selling a book of which he has no knowledge.

In regard to Ronna McDaniel issue, although already diffused, no media has since questioned NBC News hierarchy as to the documented "criteria of qualifications" sought in a potential Republican hire to be NBC News analyst, that must include honesty, demonstrated integrity and acknowledgment of the official 62 courts' finding as to Joe Biden being the legitimate winner of 2020 Presidential election.

If these critical criteria were included, as absolutely essential in such hiring consideration, then Ms. McDaniel would never have been on any short list in first place.

This reality bespeaks a severe lack of executive or managerial aptitude in NBC News brass.

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Tamar Jacoby was a classmate of mine in elementary school, and her mother was a good friend of my mother’s. Delightful on the one hand to see where she is and what she has achieved; horrifying to see what she has uncovered here.

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Hi. I'm Donald Trump. I like to grab women by the pussie. When you're a star, they just let you do it. Everyone is after me right now. The state of New York is after me for inflating the value of my properties. Alvin Bragg is after me for trying to cover up my affair. E. Jean Carroll is after me for raping her and then defaming her. Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from our country. Vote for me.

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Thanks to Will Selber for his piece on the difficulties of delivering HA. Wish one of the news orgs would do a piece on this problem. CNN, NBC, ABC?

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At some point in his pitch, Trump talks about the need to promote "pro-God content," which is quite a way to describe the holy Bible. I'm a Christian, and my hope is that some people who buy the Bible will read it for the first time and realize that it is full of surprising, challenging passages that force us to rethink our understanding of God's love and mercy. and relationship to us. That's my hopeful side. The other side of me is deeply angered by this grift and the debasement of the Bible and the faith. The Bible is not an "American" book, and it certainly isn't owned by any political party or leader. This whole scheme is deeply offensive.

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The blasphemy of the "God Bless the USA Bible" makes this devout Christian want to throw up. These people never, ever hit bottom, because for them there IS no bottom.

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There is a line in the movie Pulp Fiction that pertains to Trump and the clown show of Congress , the costume party know as the Supreme Court and the Kabuki theater of the senate…

“Because you are a character doesn’t mean you have character.”

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Trump is missing the audiobook angle. His cult would be besides themselves hearing Trump speak as the prophets and best of all, Christ. Too bad he's unable to: 1) read above a 3rd grade level and 2) sit still long enough to read a few pages without getting bored and/or absolutely mauling the words.

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But if they let him riff on it and create "The Art of the Kneel", I'd at least listen to a pirated copy for a few minutes of hilarity: "And Moses said unto them... and we love Moses, don't we folks? He delivered this from on high and believe me, I know how he feels. The other day Jesus himself came to me, big strong, very white Jesus, and he said to me with tears in his eyes, 'sir, you've been treated more unfairly than I even I have. And it's true, people, believe me, and we're going to be looking at those things plus other things and things you may haven't even heard of - because when you see what's happening with the Romans it's a disgrace..."

(I mean, I could go on, but he's probably doing it at this very moment)

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Can I get an "Amen!"? Well done!

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Uncanny likeness, well done!

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To be fair, some of the genealogy passages are tough. Those names can be a real bear to pronounce.

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True, true. But a self-proclaimed stable genius needs no allowances.

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Maybe if this "bible" had pop-up action figures every few pages it would hold his attention longer.

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You are on time something GlenD! He should have gotten the artist who paints Saint Trump/Action Trump to do the illustrations. Or maybe he did. Judas Iscariot would look a like like Mike Pence.

I refuse to click on the link...is he holding it right side up this time?

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I'm not saying that every Trump voter is an abject moron, but let's face it, folks. He just can't win without the abject morons.

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Hell, Chris, go right ahead and say it.

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I forgot to say that this “American “ bibles are a collection of works that Trump and his followers don’t believe in.

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11% of DJT shares are shorted; average is 3-4%. I wonder why?

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You don't have to dumpster dive into Truth Social. I've seen all that same garbage on Twitter/X.

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Trump will keep scamming the rubes as long as they have two nickels to rub together. Between Trump, gold sellers, prepper suppliers, and male enhancement vendors I'm astonished they aren't all the way down to standing in nothing but their underwear.

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You are onto something. It's like going to the county fair where the carnival barkers are demonstrating a knife that slices, dices, whips, creams, and purees and the rubes throw away their egg money for some magic beans.

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It interesting that these Trump bibles contain the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, documents Trumps never read or believe in.

Trump’s mentor is PT Barnum who said “There is a sucker born every minute.” Trump believes it, lives it.

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Unfortunately, both Trump and PT are right

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YEP - The Trump moto and the number of people that he has abused grows longer daily - including the millions of Americans who send him their hard-earned $5 to pay for his illegal behavior.

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Trump would sell anything for a buck including this country .

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What's the exchange rate for rubles. Just asking for a friend.

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