
On the point of the Republicans speaking up in opposition to Trump, and inviting people like Pence to the White House: I generally agree. However, I do question the net effect of someone like Bolton, whose criticism of Trump is almost always paired with nearly equal criticism of Biden. How effective is the criticism of these people in terms of what we are trying to do if they always pair it by calling Biden a "disaster"?

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I wish/hope the Biden campaign team listens to you guys & implements your recommendations. ( do campaigns listen to commentators?)

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I wonder if a focus group for people who are in debt, from mortgages, healthcare debt, and even student debt would be useful. I know that you all from the Bulwark have a redline regarding student debt....I am curious if for independents/non-Maga Republicans the debt question is a sticking point

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The “Trump is so unpredictable that other world leaders won’t do anything!” will always be one of the most frustrating ideas out there. Trump is extremely predictable - flatter him, and you can commit as many war crimes and human rights violations as you want. If NATO started renting out office space in Trump Tower, he’d all of a sudden love them too.

At least the voters in this podcast largely gave me some hope for November.

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I agree with Bill and Sarah - I would like to see Biden talk more about foreign policy in an effort to appeal to Nikki Haley voters. But I can't see Biden ever doing that. If he were ever going to do it, he would already be doing it. For the past three years, he has declined every opportunity to court us NeverTrumpers because he fears it would tick off the progressive base - the people who think Neocons and the military-industrial complex are greater evils than Putin.

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One thing to say to people who don't think we should be funding Ukraine - and I don't understand why this isn't being broadcast repeatedly: most of the funding goes to manufacturers HERE IN THE U.S. So it's creating jobs and paying existing workers FOR US.

You rarely hear this, altho thank goodness WaPo had an article on it a couple of days ago (written by, shockingly, Marc Thiessen).

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Thankfully, Sarah and Bill Kristol are "serious, sober" people. Excellent podcast. I found it somewhat encouraging to hear from Trump-to-Biden voters on foreign policy. Too often, I write off Trump voters as incorrigible and low information. There is hope that some who voted for Trump are paying attention and can be persuaded that Trump is a threat to the US' place in the world. Sarah and Bill make an excellent point--Biden needs to reach out to anti-Trump GOP leaders. Sarah has long advocated that Biden needs to get "surrogates" out there. But Democrats, as Biden surrogates, will not appeal to Never Trumpers as would Mattis, Haley, Romney, or Cheney. Even better, replace Harris as VP with Cheney or Haley. That would energize Biden's campaign. Sadly, Biden can not display more vigor because he just doesn't have it in him. He doesn't now and he will not in 5 years. Harris is not a good surrogate for Biden nor is she appealing to Never Trump GOP.

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It's so frustrating to hear someone say, "I don't understand why we have to help other countries when we have so many problems here at home we need money for." I agree with Sarah and Bill that Biden needs to be connecting more with voters, communicating facts, presenting himself as a strong leader and advocate. But why aren't these voters looking at their do-nothing representatives? The Republicans consistently vote down bills that would help children and families (EITC, anyone?) That's why we don't help people in need. Because Republicans do not support that kind of aid and support. All that one voter in Sarah's focus group has to do is look for the answer that's right in front of her instead of just whining about it.

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I think we should take into consideration that Biden has had to undo a lot of damage Trump did with his limited understanding of foreign policy and diplomacy. I think Biden's calm and understated approach helped enormously. Regarding all the "Biden should..." and "Biden needs to..." suggestions/armchair campaigning from Sarah and Bill: we have months left before November, and as others have stated, most folks don't pay attention until we get closer to the election. And as others have also already said, Trump's nodding off in the courtroom generated more articles than anything Biden was doing of significance for our country. I wonder if Bill would have fewer critiques of Biden's campaign strategies if he really liked Biden.

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Just saw a quote from you in NYT, Sarah!

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Bill made some very good suggestions for things Biden could say about foreign policy. As more voters understand the stakes, I think more would be inclined to vote for Biden over Trump.

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We need serious leadership for a serious world—yes! Thanks for sharing that statement. It’s true and matches up with what I disliked about our former president—he was a reality tv show host. He wasn’t serious leadership. He’s what I call an entertainer.

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Bill, it may be your sense Biden isn't reaching out to Romney et al. because there are no photos; but it's my sense, for whatever reason, this just isn't done. Apparently, Clinton and W spoke regularly, but I only know because I read it (in Game Change, I think). LBJ tasked high level members of his Administration to brief Ike. The only reason I know is CSPAN played the tapes. Nor would such knowledge sway anyone IMHO. Those Romney Republicans who haven't already decided to vote for Biden never will, while Haley doesn't have the strength of character to meet with Biden. She thinks he's a greater danger than Trump, remember?

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Does anyone believe Trump would have gone to an ally in an active war zone (where the US military has no control) in order to show support? Walk with the country's leader while air raid sirens are going off? Worry about whether his trip would put other people in danger?

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Great show—thanks you guys! Appreciated today’s group as it represents the Republicans I know. Still, it’s been a lesson hearing from all of the groups.

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Let’s take a breath…There’s PLENTY of campaign left (and much more voter attention to gain) in the coming months. Hone the message, use on-going world events to connect with Trump comparisons, etc. Almost no one except us die-hards is paying attention at the moment.

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