The Bulwark
Across the Movie Aisle
Character Actors, Ranked!

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of The Bulwark

Character Actors, Ranked!

Character actress Margo Martindale in Bojack Horseman

On this special members-only episode of Across the Movie Aisle, Sonny, Peter and Alyssa use this Vulture list of great character actors as a springboard to offer up their own picks. Is character actress Margo Martindale on the list? You bet she is! Who else made the cut? And why did Sonny yell at Pete…

This post is for paid subscribers

The Bulwark
Across the Movie Aisle
Here's the elevator pitch: It's "Left, Right, and Center" meets "Siskel and Ebert." Three friends from different ideological perspectives discuss the movies and controversies (or nontroversies!) about them.
Featuring bonus Friday episodes exclusively for Bulwark+ members.