If Jews aren’t white, who is this guy I see in the mirror every morning?

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"Trump has issued permission slips to those who practice violence"

Hence Nikki Haley letting them all know that her high heels are ammunition, just in case she also needs to practice violence.

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Of course this phrase originated on the Right, directed at progressive celebrities... but Elon is one who really would've done well to "shut up and sing." Or in his case, "Shut up and build rockets." His reputation and earnings potential were light-years better before he made the mistake of telling people who he really is.

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About those dinosaurs on the Ark less than 6,000 yrs ago... The best believer explanation I've heard for the fossil record proving otherwise, is that God intentionally made it look like there was a real fossil record as a test of people's faith. Ha, Ha God, you fooled me.

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His beef isn't with "Jews" per se. It's with the ADL for calling out the Nazis on Twitter and costing him ad $$$. It's a commercial prejudice. Does that make a difference? When it comes to gas chambers, I actually think so. In any case, I'm happy to see him lose $$$ even as I applaud his accomplishments.

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"Elon Musk" wow and I thought that d. j. "trump" the HUMP! was the BIGGEST A***HOLE some what alive?---I was WRONG---WRONG---Elon Musk is almost as CRUMMY as d. j. "trump"the HUMP! and remember I said "ALMOST" about Musk" he is a TURD- LIKE HIS A***HOLE BUDDY ?, d. j. "trump"the HUMP! SHOCKING OR WHAT ? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha sorry about the long laugh but I had 2 A***HOLES instead of just 1 ,good thing for me---lost my breath--but so it goes,--- but I had- 2 A***HOLES-- AND NOT JUST 1 A***HOLE, WOW that's a win in my book---right ? enough for now and I'll just catch my breath in the down time. Ta Ta for now.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Was the giant meteor on the ark too? Asking for a friend.

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GoD today's youth are a bunch of phone addicted morons.


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Ok. I really need to know if Xitter is on purpose because my brain reads it as “shitter”

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I just got Tom Nichols' Atlantic newsletter in my inbox. He has been cautioning against calling Trump a fascist all this time, but the point of the newsletter today is that he now thinks Trump qualifies as fascist under "any reasonable definition" of the word. I don't know how to link it here, and it's too long to just paste in, but I recommend it. I hope Charlie has Tom on again soon to discuss it.

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I read Will Saletan's piece on the GOP avoiding "abortion". We know exactly what the GOP stands for and what they want. That is 100% control of women's lives. All we need do is look at what happened after Dobbs, as state after state controlled by republicans tried to outdo each other for how draconian they could make their laws. No exceptions, no health care for a miscarriage as long as they could detect a "heartbeat" or the woman was in danger of imminent death. Look at TX, at OK, at ID, at TN where children will be forced to deliver babies, and women will be sacrificed on the alter of absolute control. Then there are those like Youngkin that would offer 15 weeks like it is some kind of gift and the republicans in Ohio feverishly working for some way around a constitutional amendment. Fact is that amendment in Ohio would pass in every single state in the union if people were given the chance. What people believe is IT IS NONE OF THE GOVERNMENTS BUSINESS until more than one human being is involved ie when a fetus is viable outside the body of the pregnant person. And even then it is the life of the living breathing actual human being that should take precedence. In short ANY republican that says they do not want to ban abortion is lying. If you want the government to keep their hands off your body and their noses out of your life vote for Democrats, every race every time.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Just read the piece on the opioid epidemic. Many of these same issues where in place when heroin and crack where ravenging predominantly Black cities and the answer was the war on drugs, incarceration and stop and frisk, separate families. Glad to see folks moving on to looking past the users and the dealers to the broader reason why and less punative solutions. Disappointed that this type of growth only seems to happen when events predominantly impacts "hard working" white people as opposed to "Lazy" Black people, but I take the wins as I find them not as I want them to be.

And as for Elon of Kanye. Elon. Trump fame...

I still don't quite understand why it takes the "mainstream" so long to catch a clue that a savvy 7 year old or homeless hobo, or any person who lives in the real world knew from practically Day 1? Like do folks really beleive because some one is rich or because they don't use certain slurs that they can't really be a prejudice. That the claims that they are is just "haters" or people who misunderstand greatness?

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Riritt: Yes, I do remember, but most Republicans do not even comprehend the importance of Russian interference. Mueller showed some connections and even arrested some Russians in the U.S., but he did not go far enough. Smith still has not said the word TREASON, but that is exactly what has happened during the entire Trump Presidency. Putin wants Trump back in the WH - my book was written to explain to naive Americans why Putin is so supportive of Trump.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

"The uber-edgelord tried to backtrack, insisting that, of course, the mass murder of Jews “is unacceptable to any reasonable person.”"


Elmo the Man-child insisting that mass murder of Jews is a problem for "any reasonable person[]" assumes that he is to be counted among the reasonable. I blew my coffee through my nose reading that. Does he think that people can't see who he really is; an anti-Semite of the first order, or that anything he does can be considered reasonable?

The man was raised in S African during the height of Apartheid. His pronounced anti-Semitism (and his opinions of PoC) are ingrained; he absorbed it in his infancy drinking his mother's milk, and the lessons he learned growing up reinforced his hatred.

Sorry, Elon, your gaslighting is ineffectual on any other than the MAGA knuckle draggers. I can see who you *really* are (and I assume that there are many others who see it also), and no amount of money will, imo, make you palatable to the majority.

BTW, since you and your fellow travelers use the old trope that Jews can't be loyal Americans if they hold dual citizenship with Israel, how do you explain *your* loyalty to America when you are a citizen of three countries?


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Attention All Bulwark Writers--

--Going forward from today, just save time and call Elon's company what it actually is..."Sh*tter". At this point, the company is essentially a public toilet anyway....and one acutely in need of a complete sanitizing,

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I don't know about any of you, but I don't go near the shithole called X. Also, please don't ever buy a Tesla and if you have stock in the company, sell it.

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