I canceled my WaPo subscription because of hacks like Thiessen and Hewitt. Jeff Bezos can use someone else's money to pay those clowns.

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Kiosks revisited

I would have thought you had more important themes to deal with instead of picking such an easy target. Is the idea impractical, Likely ineffective, the result of hopeful social justice efforts? Likely. Are they trying? Yes. Could they come up with a better solution, yes. Why take an experimental idea, make it mainstream, and feed the dragon? Sigh.

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I didn't see my favorite on A.B.'s list: Patsy Baloney.

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Re: Trump & The Debt Ceiling

Does this sound familiar to you?

Step 1: Approve spending on X and enter binding contracts accordingly.

Step 2: When your payments come due, simply refuse to pay your debts.

Step 3: Enter post-facto negotiations where you seek to reduce the amount you owe. And if the debtors don't budge, simply refuse to pay and simply try to delay, delay, delay, until your debtors give up.

That's Trump's signature business move to avoid paying for services rendered.

To his credit I guess, he's living up to his commitment to run the government like he runs his businesses. To expect otherwise would have been very naive.

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Charlie: Thanks for the classic line about irony weeping. Or being unable to weep.

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Regarding Trump's getting people's votes despite his sexual assault, the answers remind me of how my fellow Clinton supporters and I reacted when he was caught lying about sex. (I know that Clinton's actions with the young intern were entirely consensual, but if any other federal supervisor had an affair with an intern, he would have been fired or forced to retire.) If Clinton had been found guilty of impeachment , we would have had President Gore, if the Republicans had found Trump guilty, we would have had President Pence. The relative degree of guilt does not matter; if the Senate had done its duty each time, we would not be in the mess we are today. We have been failed by our leaders and we all still keep electing them.

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Loved your interview with Margaret Hoover!

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Re Ms Longwell's piece:

"“So many other world leaders will not respect us with a female leader and won't listen to anything that we do or say, and we open ourselves up to way more attacks,” said Erin, a two-time Trump voter from Texas."


And we have proof of this statement. The world laughed at Margaret Thatcher, booed Angela Merkel when she was on the world stage, they ignored Aung San Suu Kyi, Indira Gandhi was worthless as a leader, Tsai Ing-Wen is allowing the CCP to run roughshod over Taiwan, Erna Solberg has let Norway turn into a wasteland, Park Geun-hye has allowed Kim Jong-un to overshadow and dominate S. Korea, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf the first female elected as a figure-head president in Liberia (and all of Africa)....


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I’m shocked that Laura Ingraham admitted on-air that Fox “News” has been suckered again. I’m sure their remaining viewership will be surprised and outraged.

Sarah’s piece was great, but on further thought, I think it’s more like Stockholm Syndrome.

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They weren’t suckered, they were just called out. Let’s face it, have they the ever seen a right wing lie they haven’t liked? They saw that “story” and realized it was too good an opportunity to “rile up the base” to pass up, screw truth and fact-checking, we’ll deal with that only if it comes up. It came up so they had flunkie Ingraham issue a quick “oops,” which their viewers will just as quickly forget.

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I was being facetious in that sentence. I forgot to say (Sarcasm Alert). But I am surprised Ingraham made the admission. Of course their viewers won’t care. They liked that lie, so they just shrug at the truth and move on.

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I suspected you were being sarcastic, sorry meant to acknowledge that. Anyway, Ingraham's admission had to be some sort of perfunctory legal ass-covering ordered by her employer so they can say "we corrected it on air." The Dominion lawsuit outcome didn't make them any less eager to promote lies, but it probably made them more interested in covering their asses.

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We the people... If I see one more limp, frayed flag sticker, I will limp paint your truck teal.

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I really do try to understand why the MAGAs are the way they are, and here's my take: As the country started the change from a manufacturing to a knowledge based economy people lost their working class jobs as well as any hope for finding another one as good. Companies offshored manufacturing so the smaller towns that depended on the local mill or factory started dying. As a college education became more and more a requirement in the new economy those lacking the means or the brainpower to acquire the degree were left behind. Women entering the workforce now had newfound economic, and with the Pill, sexual freedom. Fewer and fewer people went to church. Meanwhile, those who were able to moved to the cities and joined the great economic parties and feasts going on there, and the ones left behind knew they weren't invited to them. The civil rights movements gave seats at the table for previously marginalized racial, ethnic, and differently sexually oriented people. So in a matter of just a few decades the whole social, economic, and cultural worlds of the rural and blue collar class were turned upside down. Enter Rush Limbaugh and smaller players to validate their resentment and tell them how they were being screwed by the damn liberals. They were mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. So, yeah, I can see why they would be ripe for falling for a demagogue, I get it. Trump is the giant middle finger they're giving to the rest of us, and they will keep giving it to us no matter what is done to placate them. The challenge is to prevent them from gaining all the levers of power else it's not going to end well.

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It would be nice to live in a world where the opinions of former “normal” Trump officials actually mattered. But the truth is - as JVL as recounted hundreds of times - that Republican voters don’t give a shit what is said about their Orange God king- certainly they care what socialist traitors like the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs thinks.

The only solution is the final solution - a complete and utter defeat of the Orange hordes by defenders of democracy. Are you listening Democrats? Are you freaking listening?

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The point isn't attracting the MAGA Rs - they've proven 99% of them are useless. The point is the rest of the US. When you've got people who voted for Biden saying they're voting for Trump, the question is WHY???? Or Bernie, et al folks threatening to vote for Trump as well. Again, WHY???? In this mess, we're forgetting that Trump Rs are actually a thin minority of voters. Most of the Rs in the House supposedly aren't MAGAs - why aren't they opening their mouths opposing Trump? They should be the ones who supposedly would think that Tillerson, et al should be listened to IF THEY OPENED THEIR MOUTHS about Trump and how much of a threat he is to the US they once took an oath to preserve.

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I think you’re incorrect about both MAGA voters and Republican reps- the voters are a plurality of the party, 35-45%, and the House Rep caucus is easily 50% with him - so no, we need every Dem and most independents like me to vote - not to sit on our asses -

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"Outrage porn"

Thank you again Charlie. These nuggets are my ultimate Bulwark faves. This one is in the top 5 along with JVL's "mullet beard" [Ted Cruz]

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Sarah Longwell's article reminded me of something I've been scratching my head about why no one has brought it up. Trump keeps saying that E. Jean Carroll isn't his type. I wonder why no one remembers that she's a former beauty contestant (and a pic I found from 2006 still has her looking quite good). That sounds to me to be exactly Trump's 'type' (remember the story of him walking into beauty contestant dressing rooms).

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Are they even individual hoaxes anymore? I think the hoax is calling it news. Or rather calling themselves a news gathering organization with journalists and such. We obviously care more than they do.

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The majority of the far-right will think the reported hoax is the hoax.

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