Excellent newsletter. I like the low-key reportage, giving us facts to digest. I like opinion pieces as well, and this style/approach is a good addition to all the other Bulwark pieces and articles. I'll check out the podcast. I'm good with improving my civic knowledge.

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The reality is that the LAST people conducting ethics investigations on Congresscritters or Senators or deciding the results (and I am okay with calling them punishments, because, IDK, maybe they SHOULD be punishing instead of nothingburgers) is Congresscritters and Senators.

Of course, that is also the LAST thing that Congresscriters and Senators want, so ya. I wonder why that might be....

There are things that you should be automatically expelled for, period--like the things that Santos has been alleged to have done or maybe misusing the info you have access to and making you and yourself a lot of money with it... or being an insurrectionist.

And you should be barred from holding office again, there are plenty of people out there quite capable of being a Congresscritter or Senator (even if a lot of them don't have the money or connections to actually get elected). It isn't like it is an actual difficult skillset or requires much intelligence.

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I’m hoping while you keeping an eye on all thing ethics, that you are watching who in Congress is jettisoning their stock portfolios while planning to vote against raising the debt ceiling. If raising the debt ceiling is so harmful to the US, shouldn’t those who vote against it be the ones most happy to hold onto their own stocks to prove what a great service they did for every one of their constituents with a 401k? That’s a newsletter I’d love ❤️ to share. Glad you’ve joined the Bulwark and loving the newsletter.

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I avoid newsletters for the most part, but yours is a cut above and very much worth the time, every time I read one. I think you're a great addition to the Bulwark team. 👍

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‘Punishment— that isn’t even a word I want to use’

That says everything about the Ethics Committee. Just a toothless nothing of a committee.

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I am so excited about this newsletter. So chock full of information. Thank you for your work!

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#1 - Thanks for your feet on the floor of the Capital (without buffalo horns on your head and face paint) and an ear to the "musings" of 535 members of Congress!!

I grew up in George/Anthony/Kitara Santos Devolder's House district. And can feel the pain of my friends and their fellow constituents who live there.

I was wondering...

a la Gavin Newsome's somewhat recent issue with a RECALL PETITION, can a coalition of Dems and (the few) not-tainted Repubs start a petition to get this duplicitous douche reaching for the stars (and $174k annually in salary + benefits) to out-do the previously most corrupt New York pol --- Boss Tweed???

Is that possible?

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No. There is no provision for recalls of congressmen. They can be expelled, but it’s incredibly rare and impossible in our polarized time.

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Thanks. I did not know about the difference between the Ethics Committee and OCE. Once again I've learned something from your writing.

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Really enjoying your newsletters Joe. I have a question about the

Pod casts. Are they closed captioned for the deaf?

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I didn't find this on a quick google search. Who has McCarthy appointed to the Ethics Committee? Maybe he hasn't yet? Because I fear that this paragraph refers to a pre-McCarthy House:

"I don't necessarily think it matters if it's a majority or minority party. Generally, ethics investigations are pretty bipartisan. So I don’t think that would preclude them from reaching out and I would be shocked if they didn’t."

Interesting interview.

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McCarthy has tossed the EC out. Don't know why it wasn't mentioned in this write-up.

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Great content, Joe. I’ve learned a lot from you already. Thanks. I will check out CONTROL.

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Good writing so far. Good luck

On this new venture, Joe.

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Why "...so far."?

Are you thinking Joe may fall off a reportage cliff?

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Remember JVL always says, ‘be nice’

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Great newsletter, and right to the point👉🏻

The opinion pieces are of interest to readers, but your writing is clear and informative, which I appreciate.

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Great piece! Seems like the "investigations beget investigations" couldn't be truer

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“ And while I think some of the changes to the Office of Congressional Ethics are unfortunate, not all Ethics Committee investigations have to come from OCE. The House Ethics Committee can initiate investigations on their own and that does happen.”

The Office of Congressional Ethics has been rendered toothless by the Republicans, and gee, I wonder why? Could it have something to do with certain members of the Freedom Caucus and their involvement in the insurrection?

And who is on the house Ethics Committee? Might make a good investigative story.

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Would have made a good piece of political fiction if it hadn't become reality.

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Thanks for sharing this interview, Joe. The entire Santos saga is deeply pathetic. Clearly he is unwell... and don't fascists just love manipulating Useful Fools (aka "tools")?

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