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YEVGENY SIMKIN: Thanksgiving in Crazy Times.

FOR THIS YEAR’S THANKSGIVING PRAYER, I’d like to focus on your crazy uncle.
I’m willing to bet that the word “crazy” has been on your mind lately. Maybe even a lot. It used to be that there were some people who were “wrong” or “deluded” or “misguided” or “confused,” but over the last few years, the situation has clearly gotten worse. Now it seems like everyone is just plain nuts.
I hasten to add that this isn’t a clinical definition. No one’s been actually, you know, diagnosed with anything. But between the flat-earthers and the people who insist that Trump won the 2020 election and the ones who claim that Putin is the victim in the war he’s waging on Ukraine and now . . . just to put a gross cherry on top, maybe you’re being told that Osama bin Laden had it right all along?!
🦃 To read previous Bulwark Thanksgiving prayers from Yevgeny Simkin, you can read them here: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019. 🦃
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Happy Thanksgiving! Here are some columns worth your time this weekend. Give your pets a scratch as you watch the dog show. We miss ours!
Being Thankful for Thanksgiving… Matt Labash writes: “Even if it sucks, celebrate around the suckage.”
Give Thanks To The Lord, For He Is Good… Addison Del Mastro on thankfulness, urbanist-adjacent thoughts on home, and food!
What I'm thankful for… Chris Cillizza on Gratitude.
A Post About Thanksgiving That No Other Liberal Is Going To Write… Ben Dreyfuss on honesty on social media and an unrelated story about Bette Middler.
Need a recipe this weekend? Readers have shared their favorite recipes in….

RIP Gilbert… The annual tweet.
The Annual Foodie Sister Cooking Quote thread… Live from the Swift house.
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