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JILL D. LAWRENCE: ‘Donald Trump Did This’: How to Beat MAGA on Border Security

DEMOCRATS AND PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN are overlooking what could be a powerful argument in their do-or-die campaign to make sure Donald Trump does not win the November election. They should immediately seize the problem-solver high ground on immigration and border security.
There’s never been a better or more urgent moment for Democrats to claim the mantle of pragmatists who get that corrective action is needed, and force Trump to own his nakedly political efforts to prolong the border chaos so he could run on it and win. National polls increasingly find immigration is people’s top concern, and Democrats have plenty of material to work with.
Start with Trump’s proxy veto of a bipartisan border security deal because, apparently, he feared it might work. As things stand now, he can keep attacking Biden and immigrants and insisting America will implode into an even worse hellscape of chaos and violence—unless he wins.
A.B. STODDARD: Everything Has Gone Trump’s Way. Will It Last?
LAST WEEK PROVED THE U.S. SUPREME COURT was always going to find a way to help Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. Though that may not be their intention, conservative justices in the majority seem set to do the opposite of helping to bring justice or accountability to Trump before Election Day. Because that would be perceived as helping President Joe Biden’s campaign.
Bulwark Podcast with Tim Miller: Christians and Political Power
The Secret Podcast: The Voters Will Have to Punish Trump, Because the Courts Won't (Preview)
The Focus Group: Arizona: The "Leave Me Alone" State (with Yvonne Wingett Sanchez) (Ad-Free🔐)
Bulwark Goes to Hollywood: Is David Ellison Hollywood's Great Hope?
Shield of the Republic: One of the Largest War Machines in Human History (w/ Illia Ponomarenko)1
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BRIAN STEWART: How to Deter a Dragon.
THE CONVENTIONAL WISDOM IN WASHINGTON national security circles that China is the greatest long-term challenge to the American way of life is notable for three reasons: First, it is bipartisan. Second, it coalesced rapidly, in the span of just a few years. And third, unlike so much conventional wisdom, it is correct. The United States and China are at the beginning of what promises to be a century-defining political, military, and economic confrontation. The rush of scholars, commentators, and policymakers to define the conflict and shape American policy in it can only be compared to the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889.
Happy Monday! Summer came early! It was 92 degrees earlier today. Hopefully we’ll go back to spring, right? I’m looking forward to heading up to Philly this week for our event.
The Rick Steves Guide to Life… My mom would have loved this WaPo profile of the prolific travel writer.
🎵On the Jukebox…🎵 Jonah Kagen - Save My Soul
Democracy is good for the economy… But can business defend it, wonders Vanessa Williamson at Brookings.
A Minor Bluebird Parable… Matt Labash on the importance of beauty offsets.
Are you or is someone you love suffering from Partisan Derangement Syndrome? Our friends at Republican Voters Against Trump have an ad for them!
Newsmax Wants to Force… a Trump Pal to Testify in Its Dominion Mess (Daily Beast)
Winner of $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot… is an immigrant from Laos who has cancer (AP)
Ukraine:Lessons from Other Conflicts.. Can Improve the Results of U.S. Recovery Assistance (GAO)
The VA Bows… to the Dialysis Duopoly (American Prospect)
Brooks Brothers… Nic Rowan at The Lamp.
Watch until the end… Don Blankenship, the coiner of “Cocaine Mitch”, is back with a new ad. The ad is nuts. I, for one, love the Optima Tax Relief-style narrator. But the ending? Chef’s kiss.
See you there? I’m excited for Philadelphia, and then two weeks later, an evening at Sixth and I in Washington! Click the picture to get your tickets.
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Editorial photos provided by Getty Images. For full credits, please consult the article.
I publish what is available, and the audio-only version of Shield wasn’t live at publication time. If you’re wondering why sometimes you get one but not the other: the answer is different production schedules.