Thanks for your replies. What do we do to counter the willful ignorance? That is the $64k question.

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The reasons for voting for Donald Trump this time around are easy to sum up" "I'm stupid and there is nothing you can do about it."

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Here's another unpredictable, Trump can't find a defense against the 'Trump stinks' meme. Kinzinger may have gone low, but it's the kind of low Trump and his supporters wallow in....or should I say waft in. In that sense, this may break through their cultish behavior in a way other things haven't. Plus his campaign is trying to defend him against this one which makes it all the more believable.

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"Like I said: Reasons."

But anyone defending Trump, or even still considering voting for him, does not need any reasons, because they think - and - vote - not on reason, but on emotion. They crave a "savior," and don't care that it's one who will lie to make them feel good. And whenever he lets them down - as he has already, they just blame "the left."

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So glad everyone is back. 💕 I guess my only comment is it's not half of Americans support the orange thing... it's 1/3 and then the 1/3 that don't vote?

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Jan 3Liked by Jonathan V. Last

Yeah, this has nothing at all to do with The Triad today, but I laughed out loud when I read it, so I thought, as part of my public service to this blessed group, that I would forward for a teeny tiny bit of levity in an otherwise dark and foreboding place:

Today, "The Onion" reported as follows:

"Thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ so-called ‘war on woke,’ Florida institutions of higher education have experienced an unprecedented brain drain. "The Onion" asked professors why they are fleeing the state, and this is what they said...

-Henry Johnson, History: “It was easier to teach history when I was allowed to acknowledge that it began before 1981.”

-Charles Menard, English: “They’re making me teach a version of Beowulf where he says the Pledge of Allegiance halfway through.”

-Carl Ebling, American History: “A posse of moms walked me to the state line.”

-Bonnie Coyne, African American History: “I have to teach that slavery was not only beneficial, but so beneficial that white people are owed reparations.”

-Rhonda Harvey, Statistics: “They kept forcing me to assign Mein Kampf to read as math homework.”

-Stacy Levine, History: “I just don’t feel comfortable shooting students who act up.”

-Peter Barrett, Psychology: “They keep calling my subject ‘witch science.’”

You are welcome! :)

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Even if (please may it be so) that Trump loses, he will claim he won just like 2020 resulting in what could be a much worse uprising than 1/6/21.

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JVL, When you said "I told you that Joe Biden would be the nominee in 2016", did you mean to say 2020?

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Actually, Texas is not a red or blue state. It’s a non-voting state. If Texas residents are ever make it to the ballot box, the state would be blue.

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I suppose you are right -- it is willful -- but that suggests it is actually part of the culture war. It is willful in order to protect their particular narrative.

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JVL, you may be preaching to the wrong choir. The Trumpies will never listen, so your efforts might be better aimed at far left Dems that think Biden is too supportive of Israel, too normie, is even considering border control etc.

Not sure how you get to these, mostly very young, voters, but they need to show up in November, at least in swing States. Or else we are all screwed.

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Here there be monsters.

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One of the main reasons we support Trump is because of the kind of rhetoric we see here at The Bulwark, both among the writers, and the commenters below. It is just nuts. And dangerous, too.

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Why vote for trump? Because the election was stolen.....While buying a car, the dealer manager steered the conversation into how the last election was stolen because there was a lot of fraud (apparently all by democrats). When we pointed out that the 61 court cases and many audits in swing states demonstrated the opposite, he said he hadn't heard about those. Culture war is only part of the problem....complete ignorance is another, major, part.

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In 2016 I had an election watching party with my Canadian friends (thanks guys, you were as clueless and supportive as I hoped you would be. "Look!" they all said, as Pennsylvania went up in red flames, because they come from an electoral system that makes sense and understand nothing. "There's still... all these other states! Right? Here, have some cheese.")

Anyway. I put the Staypuff Marshmallow Man on the evite banner.

That was kind of a funny joke, at the time. A touch melodramatic.

I miss those days.

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If one of the geriatric candidates has a major health event, it better be the nazi.

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