The Bulwark
The Secret Podcast
The Rage and Joy of MAGA America

The Rage and Joy of MAGA America

It's the end of the world as they know it. But also—they're having the time of their lives.
(Getty Images)

On today’s show Mona Charen sits in for Sarah and she and JVL talk about this David French piece. It’s about how MAGA types seem to simultaneously believe that they are in a fight for the future of civilization—but also, everything is awesome!

Here’s French:

It’s no coincidence that one of the most enduring cultural symbols of Trump’s 2020 c…

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The Bulwark
The Secret Podcast
Each Friday best friends, Sarah Longwell and JVL, go off-leash and uncensored in this intimate podcast.
Only for Bulwark+ members.