The Bulwark
The Bulwark Podcast
Ben Wittes and Ro Khanna: Stormy Rafah

Ben Wittes and Ro Khanna: Stormy Rafah


In New York, we are getting the trial we deserve: It's not about high principles and democracy, but the trashy celebrity culture America let into the White House. Meanwhile, Biden grows more impatient over Israel's plans for Rafah. Plus, the dark overlords of Silicon Valley, and a "new economic patriotism.” Rep. Ro Khanna and Ben Wittes join Tim Miller.

show notes:

Lawfare Daily podcast episode on Israel/Gaza
Full clip from Khanna's conversation with Jewish and Arab students

The Bulwark
The Bulwark Podcast
Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump movement and the reality-based community. Every weekday we provide insightful analysis, political hot-takes, an unabashed defense of liberal democracy and long-form interviews that cut through the "both-sides" BS. Plus a few laughs to help you wash down the crazy.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.