The Bulwark
The Bulwark Podcast
Isaac Arnsdorf and Joe Perticone: Trying to Finish What They Started

Isaac Arnsdorf and Joe Perticone: Trying to Finish What They Started


Steve Bannon fueled the rise of MAGA by offering true believers a sense of community and purpose. A new book tells the story of ordinary Americans swept up in the movement. Plus, hanging out at the DC jail with the Jan 6 choir, and the House drama over Ukraine and FISA. Isaac Arnsdorf and Joe Perticone join Tim Miller.

show notes:
Isaac's book, "Finish What We Started"

The Bulwark
The Bulwark Podcast
Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump movement and the reality-based community. Every weekday we provide insightful analysis, political hot-takes, an unabashed defense of liberal democracy and long-form interviews that cut through the "both-sides" BS. Plus a few laughs to help you wash down the crazy.
An ad-free edition is exclusively available for Bulwark+ members.